I could be possible, b-format being the surround "essence" worldwide would be nice ;). You could select any delivery format on demand, instantly... ex: The binaural option has a great potential for streaming (on headphones). It could spread ambisonics (surround) worldwide, since not too much people has a 5.1 or 7.1 system installed. (in the right way)

We´re working on documentary series based on a/b-format. This BBC thing caught our attention... the future is here?.

|*Kan Kaban*||*.*|
|DOF / Director|
|Alive Cinema© collective|
_w  <http://www.aionlibrary.com/>ww.alivecinema.org_
|Ecuador, SA.|

El 16/03/14 13:38, Martin Leese escribió:
Schumacher Marlon wrote:

Thanks everybody for your well-considered comments.
The reason for going for a 2-channel format is compatibility with
distribution media formats (CD) - and I suppose it will mostly be listened
to without a decoder.
The possibility of recovering (2D) B-Format can be very useful, I think
(although apparently not 100% possible).
Nimbus Records archived most of their
recordings in 2-channel UHJ.  This was fine
until, many years later, they wanted to release
to multi-channel.  Unfortunately, converting
back from UHJ to B-Format (and then to other
formats) cannot be done without loss.

If you archive in 3- or 4-channel B-Format
then you can *immediately* produce
2-channel UHJ from this.  In addition, you
could later release to other formats without any

You can only gain by archiving in B-Format;
there is no downside.


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