My attempts to respond last night from my phone didn't work. Try again:

I have an older Oktava MK_012 4D. I bought it relatively cheaply on eBay a few years ago; it came without any software or digital calibration data; I think Oktava don't offer anything more than paper frequency response traces for each capsule. I think it has a larger capsule array size than the MK-4012; in the MK-012 4D, the capsules lie on a sphere of about 96 mm diameter.

Fons Adriaensen kindly calibrated my Oktava MK_012 4D for me. Calibration made a big difference; without calibration, directional cues were almost non-existant. But the same recordings, reprocessed with the calibration files, had directional cues, at least at mid- and lower frequencies. Fons, and Angelo Farina, explained that the mic could not resolve directional information at higher frequencies due to the large array size. I think the capsules on my Oktava are not very well matched (it is maybe 20 years old), and it really needed the calibration.

I love the quality of the sound captured by the Oktava, especially for classical chamber music and choral music but, to be honest, I use a Brahma more often, because of its much better directionality.

My recommendation is, if you have an Oktava MK-4012, get it calibrated. In my case, it made a big difference.

Fons Adriaensen in Italy calibrated my Oktava. I believe Richard Lee in Australia might still offer a calibration service, though he appears to be less active on the internet these days, and I think Core Sound in the USA also will do it - they used to say it on their website, but I haven't checked lately.

Gerard Lardner

On 08/03/2018 18:51, Peter P. wrote:
Hi list, please excuse if this has already been discussed here before, the archive didn't show much results for me. What is the best way to encode the signal from the Oktava MK4012 1st order microphone capsules into ambisonics? Did anyone measure the mic so far or is a generic encoder the best way to do it for now? It seems that Oktava is not providing any hardware/software encoders... Thank you for any ideas! Peter

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