On Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 09:55:25AM +0100, Jack Reynolds wrote:

> FuMa is WXYZ and ambiX is WYZX with SN3D normalisation. 
> I forget the gains off the top of my head, but will have
> a look and get back if no one else has chipped in. 

Convert FuMa to Ambix

ACN-0  =  1.4142 * W    (+3.01 dB)
ACN-1  =  Y
ACN-2  =  Z
ACN-3  =  X
ACN-4  =  0.8660 * V   (-1.25 dB)
ACN-5  =  0.8660 * T
ACN-6  =  R
ACN-7  =  0.8660 * S
ACN-8  =  0.8660 * U
ACN-9  =  0.7906 * Q   (-2.04 dB)  
ACN-10 =  0.7454 * O   (-2.55 dB)
ACN-11 =  0.8433 * M   (-1.48 dB)
ACN-12 =  K
ACN-13 =  0.8433 * L
ACN-14 =  0.7454 * N 
ACN-15 =  0.7906 * P

Ambix files should use CAF (Apple's Core Audio Format),
but in practice WAVEX is used as well.

Convert Ambix to Fuma

W = 0.7071 * ACN-0     (-3.01 dB)
X = ACN-3
Y = ACN-1
Z = ACN-2
R = ACN-6
S = 1.1547 * ACN-7     (+1.25 dB)
T = 1.1547 * ACN-5
U = 1.1547 * ACN-8
V = 1.1547 * ACN-4
K = ACN-12
L = 1.1859 * ACN-13    (+1.48 dB)
M = 1.1859 * ACN-11   
N = 1.3416 * ACN-14    (+2.55 dB)
O = 1.3416 * ACN-10
P = 1.2649 * ACN-15    (+2.04 dB)
Q = 1.2649 * ACN-9


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