Corn Growers Say Ethanol Could Reduce Fossil Fuel Use

WASHINGTON, DC, October 23, 2000 (ENS) - Keith Dittrich, president of 
the American Corn Growers Association (ACGA), is urging movement on 
ethanol legislation before Congress adjourns for the elections. In 
the letter to Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, a Missouri 
Republican, Dittrich said, "During this time of soaring energy prices 
and corn oversupplies, the United States has the opportunity to 
expand ethanol usage while cleaning the air we breathe ... Renewable 
fuels legislation has bipartisan support ... Farmers want to know 
what is holding up action on this timely legislation." Renewable 
energy could be important to national energy security and a national 
clean air strategy, said Dittrich. "Currently, the U.S. dependence on 
foreign oil is hurting our overall economy. At the same time, 
millions of bushels of excess corn are piling up at elevators and on 
farms across the country," he said.

"Passing legislation to create a renewable fuels standard for 
gasoline is the best way to address both of these conditions in a 
comprehensive way," said Dittrich, a Nebraska grain farmer. "A 
renewable fuels standard for gasoline would provide significant 
economic benefits to U.S. farmers. It needs to be drafted to increase 
the demand for ethanol by requiring a certain percentage of all motor 
fuels to be renewable. A renewable fuels standard would increase 
investment in corn ethanol facilities. The increase in the demand for 
corn for ethanol would also strengthen corn markets and provide added 
income to cash strapped farmers." ACGA supports the renewable fuels 
sections of S 2962, a bill that has moved through Senate Committees, 
and is being considered in last minute discussions on various 
appropriations bills.

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