Hello Lloyd

I'll find someone to forward your request to who might be able to 
help you. More later.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects

>Dear sir,
>I am a student at the University of Zambia udertaking
>a final year project whose aim is to investigate the
>feasibility of setting up an ethanol fuel processing
>plant here in Zambia.
>I would like therefore to be assisted with th
>following information.
>-Names and addresses for companies which manufacture
>Ethanol processing plants,which should provide me with
>the details below,
>1-Ethanol production capacities.
>2-Purchase prices plus estimated cost of shipment to
>3-Shipping volumes of such plants.
>4-Economic life over which the plant may be
>5-Nature and estimated operating costs of the plant.
>6-Raw materials (subtrates)which the plant is designed
>  to take.
>7-Pre-treatment,if any ,to which the subtrates should
> be subjected to beforebeing fed into the plant.
>8-Purity of the ethanol produced from the plant.
>9-Known uses of the ethanol produced from the
>plant(note that the ethanol is to be used in
>10-Process flow charts for the plant.
>11-Any other important information relevant to setting
>   up and operating the plant.
>The Energy Department of the government of the
>Republic of Zambia is equally interested in this
>project due to volatile prices of petroleum based
>fuels.Further, the recommendations of the my study
>will be made available to all interested in pursuing
>commercial exploitation of the project,subject to the
>I am looking forward to receiving your favourable
>Lloyd Mweene.([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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