        Further to your e-mail have given your idea of using paddy melons a bit more thought and think this may not be such a good idea after all. Dont let me put you off altogether and at least try them but suspect the carbohydrate level is probably only round the 5% level. This means to get 1 tonne of carbo you will need to harvest 20 tonnes of paddy melons and I seriously doubt that labour and transport for these would pay. Most melons and even the ones we eat are more than 90% water and less than 9% carbo. eg. canteloupe are almost 90 water and just over 8% carbo, and honeydew which have the highest carbo to my knowledge are 89% water and 9% carbo. Suggest you check out the true levels before proceeding further. All the best.
B.r.,  David

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