Glucose. Also known as dextrose. Two names for the same thing. A 
6-carbon sugar (hexose) with the empirical formula C6H12O6.

Dextrose. See above.

Fructose. Also known as laevulose. A left-rotated isomer of glucose. 
A 6-carbon sugar

Sucrose. A dimer (disaccharide). A combination of glucose and 
fructose with the empirical formula C12H22O11 (glucose + fructose - 

Isomers. Molecules with the same empirical formulae but different 
spatial arrangements of the -O and OH groups.

Lactose. A dimer consisting of one molecule of glucose and one of galactose.

Fructose syrup. A sweetener widely used in soft drinks, etc. Made 
from corn in 4 steps:

Corn wet milling starch acid or enzyme glucose isomerization with 
enzyme fructose

Starch. A polymer of glucose with alpha 1-4 linkages. The chains 
cannot pack together, water can enter, and the starch is 
water-soluble. Digestible by humans. Hydrolyzable with amylase 

Cellulose. A polymer of glucose (typically 4- to 8,000 units) with 
b-1-4 linkages. Unlike starch, the spatial arrangement of the glucose 
units permit them to pack closely (crystallize) and prevent the entry 
of water. Cellulose consequently is insoluble and indigestible by 
humans. Can be hydrolyzed rapidly to glucose by strong mineral acid 
or (slowly) by a cellulase enzyme.

Sweetness. Fructose: sucrose: glucose = 128:100:67

Fermentation. Sucrose. Ordinary yeast contains an enzyme which breaks 
down sucrose into glucose and fructose ready for fermentation. 
Lactose requires a special yeast to ferment it to alcohol. Chiefly 
used for production of vodka because there is no natural flavour.

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