Turning it into biodiesel is about the only truly safe way of handling it.

  January 11, 2001

           Many Makers of Feed Fail to Heed Rules
           on Mad Cow Disease


              Large numbers of companies involved in
               manufacturing animal feed are not
           complying with regulations meant to prevent
           the emergence and spread of mad cow
           disease in the United States, the Food and
           Drug Administration said yesterday.

           The widespread failure of companies to follow the 
regulations, adopted in
           August 1997, does not mean that the American food supply is unsafe,
           Dr. Stephen Sundlof, director of the Center for Veterinary 
Medicine at
           the F.D.A., said in an interview.

           But much more needs to be done to ensure that mad cow disease does
           not arise in this country, Dr. Sundlof said.

           The regulations state that feed manufacturers and companies 
that render
           slaughtered animals into useful products generally may not 
feed mammals
           to cud-chewing animals, or ruminants, which can carry mad 
cow disease.

           All products that contain rendered cattle or sheep must 
have a label that
           says, "Do not feed to ruminants," Dr. Sundlof said. 
Manufacturers must
           also have a system to prevent ruminant products from being commingled
           with other rendered material like that from chicken, fish 
or pork. Finally,
           all companies must keep records of where their products 
originated and
           where they were sold.

           Under the regulations, F.D.A. district offices and state 
veterinary offices
           were required to inspect all rendering plants and feed 
mills to make sure
           companies complied.

           But results issued yesterday demonstrate that more than 
three years later,
           different segments of the feed industry show varying levels 
of compliance.

           Among 180 large companies that render cattle and another ruminant,
           sheep, nearly a quarter were not properly labeling their 
products and did
           not have a system to prevent commingling, the F.D.A. said. And among
           347 F.D.A.-licensed feed mills that handle ruminant materials ¯ these
           tend to be large operators that mix drugs into their products ¯ 20
           percent were not using labels with the required caution 
statement, and 25
           percent did not have a system to prevent commingling.

           Then there are some 6,000 to 8,000 feed mills so small they do not
           require F.D.A. licenses. They are nonetheless subject to 
the regulations,
           and of 1,593 small feed producers that handle ruminant 
material and have
           been inspected, 40 percent were not using approved labels and 25
           percent had no system in place to prevent commingling.

           On the other hand, fewer than 10 percent of companies, big and small,
           were failing to comply with the record-keeping regulations.

           The American Feed Industry Association in Arlington, Va., 
did not return
           phone calls seeking comment


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