my name is david, chemical eng. student at state
polytechnic of bandung, indonesia. i'm doing the final
assignment  to produce biodiesel.

thanks for the information keith, i can understand the
answer. the only reason i ask, is just the cost of
pure methanol is expensive. it's hard too make the
product economically. 
and keith, i'm not trying the palm oil, but the
coconut oil. what will be if i use the palm oil ? may
i know what oil have been used by you and the other ?

i got another question :
1. i made my biodiesel, but in the end, i have one
separated glycerine is still liquid even in the room
temperature ( isn't the temperature to keep glycerine
in liquid is above of 38 C ? ) and i got one still
solid even in 40 C and semi gel in 50 C. Is there
anyone know how could it be ?
2. i would like to ask everybody, what's the rate per
liter of any diesel fuel in every country, is there
any list about it ? please tell me what's the rate per
liter any diesel fuel in your country.
3. what could be the effect to the diesel engine if we
made the product, say , the density is below the
standard ?
4. i'm trying to made biodiesel based on the mike
pelly's method to produce a half liter, but i get none
but failure. looks like it was soap formation that
happened. i'm trying to reduce the amount of NaOH used
to half of 3.5 grams and too half of the amount from
the titration, but still the soap is formed. is there
any calibration rate to produce half or double ?
for example say we made it 10 litres and the amount
from titration is 2,2 ml. is it mean ( 2.2 + 3.5 ) per
liter = 5.7 gr NaOH per liter or 57 grams NaOH ? or
there is another way of calculating ?

i think that will be enough for now. i really
apprecate to you guys, you're more than a teacher for
me. thanks.


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