> To Whom This May Concern,
> me thinks you protest too much -- you sniveling socialist pigs! wherefore
> invectives?  Even an idiot can sense your political proclivity.  When will
> you socialists/communists realize that your utopian pursuits are nothing
> than a diabolical scheme that will eventually be frustrated?
> I tuned in to learn more about bio-fuels, and related matters-not to be
> bombarded by your frequent conjecture stemming from your obvious political
> bias.

All right. Then you would please exercise some adult courtesy and tune out?

Now, if you would be so kind, our latest diabolical plot is about to be
hatched. We have accessed new bio-technology, recovered the DNA of Fu Man
Chu, and his clone is about to be removed from the artificial amniotic sack.

Timing is critical. Especially if we intend to stay on our strict schedule
of cornering the global money supply, thereby forcing the entire human
population to serve our diabolical utopian goals of responsible stewardship
and forethought for other peoples.

Either they capitulate or they will be sent to bed without their dessert.

Good Bye,

Todd Swearingen
Appal Energy

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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