"kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Her comment re Oklahoma bombing was--"If you think anfo is capable of
> cutting steel reinforced concrete you probably also believe in Santa Claus
> and the Easter Bunny". I agree with her assessment. ANFO does not have the
> brisance needed for ferrocrete. The Marine barracks bombing was done with
> real explosive and look at what the signature was. Okla had pillar charges.
> No other way of doing it.

The danger in ANFO is not from shattering brissance, but rather from
overpressure.  Some of the things I've seen and read about ANFO have
said that for terrorist attacks on buildings it might actually be _more_
dangerous than higher order explosives because of its more sustained
pressure wave.  The shockwaves generated by the higher order explosives
are more easily reflected from building structures, whereas the longer
lived pressure wave from ANFO doesn't reflect as easily and tends to
push structures over.  

In an interview Stacey Loizeaux of Controlled Demolitions said there was
only one intact column left in the Murragh building in Oklahoma City
after it was blown up, so apparently ANFO can be pretty effective
against concrete structures.  

In the end I suppose it's like the difference between getting punched in
the face by Mike Tyson versus getting body slammed by Warren Sapp. 
Tyson's punch is penetrating and shattering, but Sapp's body slam will
leave you mashed into a depression in the turf.  Neither one is likely
to leave you in very good condition afterward.  

As far as ANFO's connection to biofuels goes, I suppose if you washed
enough ammonium nitrate out of a _large_ quantity of chicken feces you
could mix it with biodiesel and call it BANFO.  

When you aren't using it for blowing up oil companies you could burn it
to cook your food while you're living in your tarpaper shack in the
Montana wilderness.  

Ecoterrorism indeed.  ;-)  

Alan Petrillo
He who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind.   
Remember the World Trade Center.

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