Hello all

 I sent this to Keith and he's asked me to post here on the list.

Folkecenter has done much good work on SVO in Denmark, in Africa and via
their web site. Denmark has been, until now, one of the few bright lights,
so to speak, in renewable energy, in the world, and the center-right
government elected in November seems to feel they have a mandate to cut the
work which has given their country a lead in wind power and other RE areas.
It's seems pretty dumb, at this stage, for them to cut these programs.

 If you agree that the world needs the kind of leadership that Denmark has
shown for many years in renewables, and if you think it's of value or
potential value in brinhing positive change in your own country (by the
example shown, by the specific tehcnologies that have been advanced, made
market-ready, made available, etc.), then now is the time to send a clear
message on this to the new government in Denmark.

Personally, I believe support for RE at this time is just good business,
(and that's a lot of what center-right parties are supposed to be all about,


COPENHAGEN, Denmark, January 30, 2002 (ENS) - Large cuts in Danish spending

From: Niels Ans¿ - FC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 02:03:01 +0100
To: "Int. Pure Plant Oil Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Disaster for Danish Renewable Energy -  New Government stops all
national renewable energy programmes.

Disaster for Danish Renewable Energy

New Government stops all
national renewable energy programmes

By Preben Maegaard, director, Folkecenter for Renewable Energy,
Vice-president of EUROSOLAR

On January 29 2002, the new liberal/conservative Danish government presented
the draft budget for 2002 and the coming years. All R programmes, financial
support, committees, government agencies etc that for 20 years have been
crucial in the development of renewable energy will immediately be cancelled
or dissolved. The government will spend the money saved (20 million EURO) on
hospitals and senior citizens.


State Budget Stops Renewables
Below is shown a comparison of the two draft Danish Financial State Budgets,
August 2001 and January 2002. As it appears, all funding of renewable energy
for 2002 onwards has been eliminated.

The new government has the necessary parliamentary majority to implement its

One consequence is that Folkecenter and its sister organisation, Forum for
Energy and Development, lose their support. But also all national programmes
for solar thermal, biogas, biomass, hydrogen, photovoltaic, wave energy etc.
stop as from January 1, 2002.


Innovation no longer desireable
Needless to say, it is a disaster for many innovative institutes, companies,
inventors, investors, organisations and journals promoting renewable energy.
They are facing severe problems of survival as well as all the many
independent Energy Offices, Green Guides, conference organisers which all
had a vital function in the ongoing transition to a 100% renewable energy

Obviously, only Ris¿ State Laboratory will have public support in the
future. The budget of its wind energy department will be going up from 70
million DKK in 2001 to 112 million DKK in 2002. It should be noticed that
the Danish installation of wind energy dropped from a high 600 MW in 2000 to
10 MW in 2001. 

Off-shore wind power programme cancelled
The government has just cancelled the plans of large scale off-shore wind
power. The power companies are no longer obliged to continue the off-shore
programme; no public funding or guaranteed tariffs are available.

After having lost over 50% of their market share in power production to
non-utilities (wind power, biogas, small scale CHP) in Western Denmark, it
is considered that the central utilities have lobbied strongly to bring a
stop to the successful decentralized renewable energy development. The
government has followed the desires of the old energy sector that now is
promising energy at low market prices.

Some also indicate that the new government may reintroduce plans of atomic
energy in Denmark, which was removed from our energy planning in 1985.
Denmark has no nuclear power.


Credibility of EU chairmanship
Denmark is chairing the European Union in the second half of 2002. Several
renewable energy politicians and experts express deep concern about the role
of the new Danish government during the coming Johannesburg Conference. The
Danish government has, in addition to killing the renewable energy sector,
also decided significant reductions in the aid programmes to the developing

It will be difficult for Europe to deliver arguments for strong and credible
action for sustainable solutions with a chairmanship, that has just closed
down its national programmes. The Minister of Finance ignored importance of
renewable energy during a press conference by saying: "There will be wind
power as the wind blows!" Another  government statement is: "Knowledge for
the extension of renewable energy is now sufficient.ä It should be
remembered that Denmark is number 5 worldwide in terms of CO2-emissions per


Future of Folkecenter
Our Board has decided that we shall do our utmost to overcome the unexpected
situation and continue at a reduced level, even if the new government has
taken all subsidies as per January 1, 2002 (1.1 million Euro/year).

The staff will be reduced heavily (with 15 persons). Several have 6 months
term of notice. 

However, the situation is very critical, for us and all others in the
renewable energy sector. At Folkecenter we have strong political support
from the opposition. Our situation was subject to extensive negotiation in
the Danish Parliament on January 30 by 3 questions from Mr. Ole Vagn
Christensen, MP, (Social Democrats). E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Urgent request 
Send inquiries, comments or protests

to Danish Politicians before February 15  2002
Inquiries and protests from other countries always have strong impact in
Denmark. We are heavily dependent on good reputation and export. Wind power
is the third largest single export item next to pork and pharmaceutical

You may express your concern and support by writing in your home newspapers
and journals, to the Danish media, and by writing to Danish politicians
responsible for this crusade against renewable energy. This is not only a
matter for us in a small rich country in Northern Europe.


>From Folkecenter we ask you strongly

to write to Danish policy makers.

We are confident that appeals and arguments
from our supporters and partners of co-operation worldwide

will make a difference.

The target is to be withdrawn from
the government's fatal "death-list"
so we can continue our 18 years of pioneering

within renewable energy.

The following list of important politicians may be suggested:
Key persons are: 

Minister of Economy and Trade, Mr. Bendt Bendtsen. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chairman of the Energy Committee, Mrs. Aase D. Madsen. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Prime Minister, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minister of Finance, Mr. Thor Pedersen. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Danish Parliament 
The Danish Liberal Party, Venstre:
Energy political spokesman: Mr. Kim Andersen. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Financial political spokesman: Mr. Kristian Jensen. E-mail:

The Danish Conservative Party, De Konservative:
Energy political spokesman: Ms. Helle Sjelle. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Financial political spokesman: Ms. Gitte Seeberg. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The Danish Social Democratic Party, Socialdemokratiet:
Energy political spokesman: Mr. Svend Auken. E-mail:
Financial political spokesman: Ms. Pia Gjellerup. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The Danish Social-Liberal Party, Det Radikale Venstre:
Energy political spokesman: Mr. Martin Lidegaard. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Financial political spokesman: Mr. Morten Helveg Petersen. E-mail:


The Danish People's Party, Dansk Folkeparti:
Energy political spokesman: Mrs. Aase D. Madsen. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Financial political spokesman: Mr. Kristian Thulesen Dahl. E-mail:

Information on contact points for personal and written addresses may be
obtained from the Administration of the Danish Parliament, Tel. +45 3337
5500, Fax +45 3332 8536, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Homepage
www.folketinget.dk <http://www.folketinget.dk/>


Important addresses:
National Newspapers:

Politiken: E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: www.politiken.dk

Information: E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Homepage: www.information.dk

JyllandsPosten: E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage www.jp.dk <http://www.jp.dk/>

Berlingske Tidende: E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage
www.berlingske.dk <http://www.berlingske.dk/>



Danish State Financial Budget

Draft proposal presented August 2001/January 2002

Utilisation of renewable energy and other energy economic projects
Budget specification: Million DKK 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Expenditure grant:                            August 2001 181.0 185.7 147.6
137.4 135.0 97.6 January 2002 181.0 185.7 - - - - 10. Utilisation of RE and
other energy economic projects August 2001 153.5 131.0 93.8   93.6 95.0 92.6
January 2002 153.5 131.0 - - - - 20. Folkecenter for Renewable Energy August
2001 5.3 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 5.0 January 2002 5.3 8.0 - - - - 30. Pool for new
technologies for 
Renewable Energy 

August 2001 10.0   35.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 -

January 2002 10.0  35.0 - - - - 40. Forum for Energy & Development August
2001 3.4 3.8 3.8 3.8 - - January 2002 3.4 3.8 - - - - 50. Grant for the
hydrogen programme August 2001 6.5 - - - - - January 2002 6.5 - - - - - 60.
Grant for development and
demonstration of building
integrated solar cells August 2001 2.3 10.0 10.0 - - - January 2002 2.3 10.0
- - - - 

1 DKK = 0,133 Euro 

10:  Comprises R biomass for energy; biogas; solar thermal; information;
energy offices; wind energy (except Ris¿ State Laboratory).

30: Comprises R wave energy; windpower/hydrogen for transportation; PV in
buildings; non-utility off-shore wind energy.

All programmes and support, 10 to 60 expired by the end of 2001 according to
Danish Government draft budget. Follow up legislation approximately March 1,

This article is available on internet on

For printing this article is available in PDF format on

Folkecenter for Renewable Energy


Kammersgaardsvej 16, DK-7760 Hurup Thy, Denmark
Web : www.folkecenter.dk , email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel : +45 97 95 66 00 , fax +45 97 95 65 65

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