coachgeo3 wrote:

>ok.... Im debating some issues within my self. You know trying to do
>the right thing in a small way.. buttttt being logical in the
> I plan to run my vehicles(s) on Veg oil that is cut/thinned by
>xxxxxxxx?  I can't decide what to cut/thin it with.

Thin it with heat or by transesterification.

>If I choose
>diesel fuel am I making the environment worse.. Some with out
>thinking might immediately say yes.... butttttttt...  I'm thinking·
>yeah. It hurts   ;-)

That's a purist's view, and they're right - if you can completely 
replace fossil fuel use, that's obviously best. You could argue about 
the methanol in biodiesel coming from fossil sources, and the fossil 
fuel used to grow the oilseed plants, but those are other issues, 
let's just stick to what you put in your tank. So you could put no 
fossil fuel in your tank, using SVO or biodiesel. SVO heated two-tank 
systems need a start-stop fuel, which could or should be biodiesel, 
but is very often petro-diesel. People using biodiesel often add up 
to 30% petro-diesel or kerosene in the winter. So, to be practical, 
it's quite okay to look at how much petro-diesel you're not using 
than at how little you're still using. Every gallon of SVO or 
biodiesel used is a gallon of fossil-fuel not used.

>Here is some of the "stuff" in my head about the environment and
>diesel that this thinking has produced.
>Iffffff I got this right.... "when Crude Oil is tweaked and
>converted with the goal of making Regular gasoline fuel; the process
>produces some waste products.  A big one of those waste products is
>the main ingredient of diesel fuel."  Is that correct?  Another way
>to say it is·... no matter how u cut and slice it.. when u make
>gasoline·. You make diesel too.

No, that's not correct. Diesel's not a waste product. They're 
co-products. Have a look at how fractional distillation works and 
what the products are.

At the top you get refinery gases - methane, ethane, propane and 
butane. Methane and ethane are used for process heat and for 
chemicals manufacture, propane and butane are mostly sold as bottled 

Next comes gasoline,

Next comes naphtha, for fuel, plastics, chemicals, solvents.

Kerosene is next, for aviation fuel, heating and lighting, solvents.

Next is gas oil, made into diesel fuel and heating oil, used with asphalt.

The residue is heavy hydrocarbons, made into lube oil, bitumen and 
other products.

There's rather more to it than that, but that's basically what 
happens. I don't think it makes much sense to ask which is more 
important, gasoline or diesel, they're both important, neither is a 
by-product, certainly not a waste product. There are still more 
gasoline-powered cars than diesels, though that's changing fast 
(except in the US - coming soon though), but transport is 
diesel-powered, road, rail and sea, much energy generation is 
diesel-powered, much home-heating is diesel, most aviation is 
kerosene powered (closer to diesel than to gasoline).

So your using SVO or biodiesel is not ever going to displace 
petro-diesel into landfills.



>Ok·· now the thinking based on the above·.. . Lets say the
>biodiesel fuelers etc.  by miracle cut dino-diesel use by 50% using
>biofuels... hmmm okk..  so the gasoline industry has not slowed down
>while this has happened soo..... 50% of this waste product produced
>in the production of the gasoline; that once was slated for use in
>producing dino-diesel, now has to go somewhere else... where does it
>go?  a landfill....?  yukkkkk..  That is more caustic to the
>environment than burning it in diesel engines I would think.
>So if that is true.. Cutting the veg oil with diesel fuel is better
>than that diesel going in a land fill some day.
>Orrrrrrrr???..would this balance of unused dino-diesel end up being
>used in other areas that burns it more cleanly with less caustic
>results to the environment anyway.  Like heating fuel.  (does
>heating with it use it more cleanly and with less toxins than a
>diesel engine?)    If so; then the waste product slated for dino-
>diesel will still go there and be used up by things that are more
>efficient than Diesel vehicles.  If that is the case then I should
>stay with something Greener to cut/thin my veg. oil with?
>What would this be, but that is for another post?
>Look forwards to hearing from those who want to shoot holes in this
>PS.  Please also CC your responces to my mail at
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] and post them on here  as well.

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