see inserted comments

murdoch wrote:

> I see a problem here that I did not see before.  The term "cracker",
> which is what hackers are recommending we use when we wish to connote
> "hacker gone to the dark side" or some such, has some slight built-in
> vernacular ambiguities.  

TLC had a  program on hackers, last night.  They called them white hats 
and black hats, or criminals and angels.  They had Captain Zap on the 
show, he loves getting paid to hack, nowadays.

> I had some tailoring done this week, and it just reminded me of how
> certain occupations are terribly useful and may well be with us even a
> million years from now.  One thing is it reminded me that even on Star
> Trek they have Tailors 300 years into the future (though no barbers
> prominently featured that I saw anyway).

You missed Mr. Mott?  A blue skinned alien who loves to explain how the 
Enterprise should be run.  Riker says: 'well yeah, he has a lot to say, 
but he can really cut hair.'

Bright Blessings,

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