Resource Guide for Living Economies
Living Economies ~ Fall 2002

Resources for Living Economies

by Victor Bremson & Erin Cusick

support community

Eco-Trust of Portland, Oregon, supports sustainable economic 
development in resource-dependent communities in the Pacific 
Northwest. They have developed "patterns," which integrate social, 
financial, and natural capital to show how they fit together to form 
a "Conservation Economy."

The Institute for Local Self-Reliance provides practical information 
for communities interested in local energy independence, waste 
management, and supporting locally owned businesses. The "New Rules 
Project" highlights local communities that have rewritten rules, 
policies, and public subsidies to encourage locally controlled 
sustainable economies.

buy local and fair traded

Co-op America is probably the most comprehensive practical resource 
for businesses or individuals who want to move toward more just and 
sustainable economies through either purchasing or investment. Co-op 
America publishes The National Green Pages, a directory of 
sustainable businesses.

Global Exchange provides educational tools and resources aimed at 
promoting corporate responsibility, improved international relations, 
socially responsible tourism and human rights campaigns. The website 
includes a good listing of companies and organizations that support 
fair trade practices.

Local Harvest is developing a public directory of small farms 
nationwide, providing people with direct contact to farms in their 
area. It also lists food outlets that support local farms.

Booksense allows you to purchase new books online from local 
independent bookstores. carries used books from local independent bookstores

create business alliances

The American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA) is focused on 
developing local chapters to help local independent businesses thrive 
in the midst of corporate monoculture. AMIBA chapters raise awareness 
of the benefits of buying from independent businesses and help link 
businesses for collaboration, advocacy, exchanges, and business 
transactions. They have chapters in Boulder, CO; Austin, TX; Salt 
Lake City, UT; Corvallis, OR; Duluth, MN; and Ontario, Ottawa., 303/402-1575

Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) was launched in 
2001 by the San Francisco-based Social Ventures Network. By mid-2002, 
BALLE had signed on 17 regional chapters, which are encouraging 
people to buy from, work for, and otherwise support locally owned, 
values-based enterprises. BALLE chapters also facilitate 
business-to-business relationships among firms committed to living 
economy values.

GEO: Grassroots Economic Organizing Newsletter covers economic 
democracy and provides a global forum for networks of worker 

InBusiness Magazine publishes success stories about local independent 
and sustainable businesses.
610/967-4135 ext. 22

National Association of Resource Conservation and Development 
Councils (NARC&DC), in coordination with the US Department of 
Agriculture publishes stories of successful community sustainability.

finance living economies

The Institute for Community Economics (ICE) provides technical 
assistance and financing to community land trusts and those working 
to produce and preserve affordable housing, land, and other resources 
in communities where they are most needed. ICE coordinates a national 
network of over 90 land trusts operating in 23 states. ICE's 
revolving loan fund accepts funds from socially concerned individuals 
and makes low-cost loans available to nonprofit housing groups., 413/746-8660

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition works to keep credit 
and banking services available in neighborhoods, particularly 
low-income communities., 202/628-8866

The E. F. Schumacher Society, named after the author of Small Is 
Beautiful, applies the values of human-scale communities and respect 
for the natural environment to economic issues. They promote 
community land trusts, local currencies, and local sustainable 

Self-Help is a community development lender that has provided over 
$1.5 billion in financing to over 24,000 home buyers, small 
businesses, and nonprofits. Self-Help reaches people who are 
underserved by conventional lenders-particularly minorities, women, 
rural residents, and low-wealth families-through the support of 
socially responsible citizens and institutions across the US.

The Social Investment Forum is the best source of information on 
socially responsible investments-investments that screen out the 
worst environmental and social offenders. If you want to invest your 
savings in the living economy, check out Community Development 
Financial Institutions, which invest in local housing and commerce. 
Find a guide to this investing on the Social Investment Forum

rein in corporate rule

Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy (POCLAD) conducts research 
on the history of corporations and labor struggles, and provides 
resources in the form of books, reports, and articles., 508/398-1145

Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch provides regularly updated 
information and analysis of US legislation in relation to 

CorpWatch publishes information on corporate power and resistance to 
corporate globalization. CorpWatch is working to eliminate corporate 
partnerships within the United Nations and to hold corporations 
accountable to environmental and human rights standards. The group's 
Greenwash awards recognize corporations that spend more promoting an 
eco-friendly appearance than they do actually protecting the 
environment., 415/561-6568

Project on Government Oversight (POGO) confronts government's links 
to such issues as the oil industry's fraudulent use of Native 
American land and public subsidies provided to arms exporters. Also 
provides whistleblower-protection information and supports contract 
suspensions for companies with criminal records., 202/347-1122

Citizen Works provides links to a host of information regarding 
corporate crime. The website includes a discussion guide and 
suggested reading list to facilitate starting a local corporate 
reform group.

read all about it

Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth, by Lester R. Brown, 
challenges us to consider the economy part of the environment.
W.W. Norton & Company, 2001

Democracy at Risk: Rescuing Main Street from Wall Street, by Jeff 
Gates, on re-creating democracy through redistribution of wealth and 
spreading of ownership. Perseus Books, 2001

Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, by Paul 
Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins, on coming to terms with 
our economy's scarcest resource: natural capital. Little, Brown & 
Company, 1999

The Natural Step Story: Seeding a Quiet Revolution, by Karl-Henrik 
Rob¸rt, by the founder of The Natural Step, lays out a framework for 
sustainable production. New Society Publishers, 2002

The Nature of Economies, by Jane Jacobs, a conversation on the 
underlying principles of a living economy. Vintage Books, 2001

The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism, by David C. Korten, 
documents the accelerating problems dealing with unrestrained 
corporate power and then creates a vision of a new living economy. 
Berrett-Koehler Publishers with Kumarian Press Inc., 1999

Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet, by Frances Moore Lappˇ 
and Anna Lappˇ, the author of Diet for a New A Small Planet and her 
daughter, traces their travels around the world finding people 
rebuilding their local economies, improving food security, health, 
and democracy (see excerpt, page 40). Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 2002

The Future of Money, by Bernard Lietaer, a former currency speculator 
who helped design Europe's currency and is now helping design 
complementary currencies. (See YES! spring 1997.) Random House Group 
Ltd (UK), 2001

Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, by architect 
William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart, shows how to use the 
principle, "Waste equals food" to design products that reduce 
environmental damage and begin to make our ecosystems healthy. North 
Point Press, 2002

How Wal-Mart is Destroying America and the World and What You Can Do 
About It, by Bill Quinn, tells the story of what happens when a 
Wal-Mart store comes to town and how citizens are succeeding in 
keeping them out. Ten Speed Press, revised and updated, 2000

Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age, by 
Michael H. Shuman, provides a thorough overview of many approaches to 
creating a local living economy. Routledge, 2000

Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered, by E.F. 
Schumacher. This classic on human-scale, life-sustaining economics 
was re-issued in 1999, with an introduction by Paul Hawken. Hartley & 

White Dog Cafˇ Cookbook, by Judy Wicks and Kevin Von Klause. The 
White Dog Cafˇ in Philadelphia is a business that walks its talk. 
(See YES! Spring 2001.) Running Press, 1998

What Comes Next: Proposals for a Different Society, by Thad 
Williamson, assesses proposed alternatives to the current political 
and economic system. The National Center for Economic and Security 
Alternatives, 1998

Working Capital: The Power of Labor's Pensions, edited by Archon 
Fung, Tessa Hebb, and Joel Rogers, shows how workers can turn their 
$7 trillion in pension funds into a powerful tool to promote 
progressive goals. Cornell University Press, 2001

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