The Never-Ending Oil Spill

By Maria Tomchick, AlterNet
December 16, 2002

Western Europe's worst environmental disaster is unfolding at this 
very moment, but it's receiving little coverage here in the U.S - 
even though a similar disaster could occur at any time in U.S. waters.

The single-hull oil tanker Prestige split in two and sank off the 
coast of Spain on Nov. 18. Oil slicks, however, are still washing up 
onto the shores of Northwest Spain and threatening the coasts of 
Portugal and southern France. Oil is leaking from 14 cracks in the 
Prestige's bow and stern sections - a total of about 33,000 gallons 
per day, which has formed an oil slick 35 miles long and 11 miles 
wide above the area where the tanker sank. So-called "experts," who 
said that all that heavy fuel oil would solidify when it hit the cold 
temperature and high pressure two miles beneath the sea, were 
obviously wrong.

Two oil slicks have already washed ashore in the Galician region of 
Spain, contaminating one of the most productive ocean fisheries and 
shellfish beds in Europe. The fishermen of Galicia - some 21,000 of 
them - run out a fleet of boats that is larger than all the rest of 
the fishing fleets in Europe put together. Most of these boats are 
family operations, with small crews. In addition, Galician shellfish 
gatherers supply Western Europe with a host of delicacies, from 
crabs, clams, cockles and mussels, to the exquisite goose barnacle 
which is found nowhere else in the world.

All of this food is much appreciated by marine mammals, too, 
including dolphins, porpoises and several species of whales - minke, 
fin, pilot, sperm, Cuvier's beaked whales and Risso's whales - which 
draw tourist cruises from England, France and Spain. Galicia's rocky 
coast and sheltered, hard-to-reach coves provide some of the best 
wintering habitat for seabirds from all over the North Atlantic 
region and Europe, including gannets, razorbills, guillemots, 
cormorants, puffins, gulls and petrels.

The effect of the oil has been devastating. The Spanish government 
closed the Galician fisheries and 1,000 miles of coastline, putting 
most of Galicia's population immediately out of work just before the 
height of the fishing and shellfish season. Environmental groups 
estimate that 15,000 birds have died so far, including rare and 
protected species.

The Prestige could go on leaking its remaining cargo of 20 million 
gallons - approximately twice what the Exxon Valdez spilled into 
Prince William Sound in Alaska - for years, possibly until the year 
2006. Lessons learned from the Exxon Valdez oil spill show that it 
could take more than a decade for the shellfish population to revive, 
and most of the area's mammals may never fully recover. At least two 
threatened bird species will likely become extinct: the Balearic 
shearwater and Spain's dwindling population of guillemots. Ditto for 
Galician family fishermen.

This is terrible news, but most people in the U.S. think it has no 
bearing on us. After all, we have a law in place - the Oil Pollution 
Act of 1990 (enacted after the Exxon Valdez spill) - that will phase 
out aging, single-hull oil tankers like the Prestige by 2015. But 
Europe has the same type of law, enacted after the single-hull oil 
tanker Erica spilled oil off the coast of Brittany three years ago, 
and that didn't stop the current disaster from happening.

Until the ban goes into effect in 2015, the international maritime 
inspection system is supposed to prevent unseaworthy vessels from 
carrying oil. In fact, the Prestige has been inspected several times 
recently, including by the U.S. Coast Guard, which cleared it to 
sail. In 1991, the Prestige sailed to China to have cracks in its 
hull welded. Rescue operators who attempted to salvage the Prestige 
before it sank think that those cracks might have been responsible 
for the leak, and that the ship split in two along the line of one or 
more of those welds. Obviously there's something wrong with the 
current international inspection and repair system.

Many boats avoid inspections, fines, and needed repairs by sailing 
under a "flag of convenience" and avoiding harbors with tough 
inspection systems. The Prestige, for example, was registered in the 
Bahamas by a company that was incorporated in Liberia, but the ship 
was managed by a separate company with offices in Greece. It was 
chartered by Crown Resources, a Russian company that's registered in 
Switzerland, but the heavy fuel oil that it was carrying from Latvia 
to Singapore belonged to a British company. The captain was a Greek, 
and his crew were Filipino. Sorting out this mess of ownership and 
liability could take a lot of time.

Also, it will make it hard to assign blame, particularly when the 
governments of Spain and Portugal made the spill worse. The tanker 
sprang a leak when it hit a floating cargo container, in either 
Spanish or Portuguese waters. When the Prestige attempted to sail 
into a safe harbor to find shelter from stormy winds and high waves 
and to have the oil pumped off, it was turned away by both Portuguese 
and Spanish ships. It took a Spanish tug 14 hours to hook a line to 
the Prestige, which was allowed to drift within five miles of the 
Spanish coast, leaking oil all the way. The tug then pulled it out to 
sea and directly into high waves that eventually broke the ship in 

So who's responsible? And who has to pay the fine, if any? The 
cleanup has already cost over $50 million, and will likely run into 
the hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars if the leak 
continues until the year 2006. The Prestige is only insured for $25 
million in cleanup costs.

In addition, international maritime law caps the amount a shipowner 
has to pay at $80 million. The International Oil Pollution 
Compensation Fund, funded by oil-consuming nations, would then pay 
extra costs of up to $180 million. Beyond that, the Spanish 
government and its taxpayers are on the hook for the rest. They may 
try to sue the shipowner for more, but one look at the Exxon Valdez 
judgment, which is still tied up in court, proves that this will be 

In the meantime, Spain, France and Portugal are attempting to prevent 
future disasters. They've lobbied the European Union to ban 
single-hull tankers by 2010, instead of by 2015, and to tighten 
inspections. Currently, half of the 7,000 vessels in the world's oil 
tanker fleet are aging single-hull ships, some of them built in the 
1950s. Spain has already turned away a single-hull tanker from its 
waters, provoking an international uproar. The question, of course, 
is whether this new, more stringent rule can survive a challenge from 
the oil and shipping industries, which could sue in either an 
international maritime court or at the World Trade Organization to 
overturn these more stringent laws in favor of an international 
standard (likely to be the U.S.'s phase-out date of 2015).

Another way to get around stringent national laws would be to offload 
oil on the open seas. Shipping companies could sail large, 
single-hull tankers from regions with less stringent requirements 
(the Middle East, the Far East, Latin America) to the U.S. or Europe, 
anchor just outside of territorial waters, and offload the cargo onto 
smaller, double-hull ships. Notably, the Prestige sank 130 miles off 
the Spanish coast - far beyond the 12-mile territorial limit - but it 
has still fouled 880 miles of Spanish coastline (so far).

More importantly, there's the problem of timely replacement. If no 
single-hull tankers will be allowed to sail in U.S. and European 
waters by 2015, ship builders need to begin building the replacement 
double-hull vessels now, but that's not what they're doing. In April 
2000, the General Accounting Office released a report prepared by the 
U.S. Coast Guard that surveyed the U.S. owners of single-hull oil 
tankers. What they found was that most of these companies are not 
replacing their tankers at all; they're taking a "wait-and-see" 
approach, hoping that the standards will be loosened or that they 
will be able to work around them. But if the standards remain in 
place or are toughened, there could eventually be a shortage of 
tankers to haul the world's oil.

When asked about this, the companies responded by saying that they 
would charter foreign-owned, double-hull tankers. Of course, those 
tankers may not be up to U.S. safety standards in other ways, and if 
foreign companies are doing the same "wait-and-see" routine that U.S. 
companies are doing, there may not be enough double-hull foreign 
ships to go around.

More disturbingly, the companies said they would increase their 
reliance on pipelines to move oil from places like Texas and Alaska 
to other parts of the U.S., utilizing excess pipeline capacity. This 
would spread the spill burden to dry land, including some highly 
populated areas - perhaps even an area near you. A recent natural gas 
pipeline spill, which killed three people in Bellingham, Washington, 
has provoked a round of legislative fights in the U.S. Senate over 
pipeline safety.

In addition, a November 2000 oil spill in the Mississippi River from 
a foreign oil tanker (registered in the Bahamas and owned by a 
company licensed in Liberia, just like the Prestige) fouled a 26-mile 
stretch of the Mississippi river delta, home to crabs, spotted sea 
trout, pelicans, flounder and over 100,000 shorebirds. The tanker ran 
aground when its engine exploded; it had passed an inspection in 
Corpus Christi only four months earlier.

We should view the Prestige oil spill not as a fluke or one-time 
accident. It's our future, made more likely by our reliance on crude 
oil. The Bush administration has shown no sign of embracing 
alternative energy sources, and has been busy dismantling U.S. 
environmental laws. The single-hull oil tanker ban may be next.

We ignore the Prestige disaster at our own risk. It could be the 
biggest environmental mistake we ever make.

Maria Tomchick is a co-editor and contributing writer for Eat the 
State!, a biweekly newspaper based in Seattle, Washington.

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