Keith Addison wrote:
> >"Canada IS a free country"??  I thought it was logged in the books as a
> >"Socialist Country"??
> >
> >Is Canada looking like a "free country" a tell-tale indication of what
> >(comparatively) the US has become (or is turning in to)???
> >
> >No debate ... simply food for thought.
> >
> >Curtis
> Now here's a thing a lot of Americans just can't seem to see
> straight, too much "us" and "them". Get their knickers in a knot over
> "socialists" - AARGGHHH! (check under your beds! lock the doors! hang
> wild garlic in the windows!) - and somehow not notice that some of
> the most advanced and equitable, the sanest and probably "best"
> societies in many ways, are socialist states, like the Scandinavian
> countries. 

Their citizens certainly seem to think so.  

> Meanwhile they also don't seem to notice that the land of
> the free seems to have been thoroughly purloined, and its cherished
> institutions, rights and constitutions with it - all the meaningless
> little bits of paper - by a bunch of maniacal corporate thugs. Well,
> that's how these bugaboos work. 

Indeed.  Just witness the Oil Wars in the middle east, the copyright
wars over file sharing and Napster and its progeny, and all of the
corporate monopoly building and government buying by organizations such
as Micro$oft.  

> The Macarthy era's long over, you
> know... or is it?

Fortunately the MacCarthy era is gone, and unlamented.  Unfortunately
the Dubya era has replaced it.  

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