Hello Siva

Good news!

>Hi all,
>     India the second largest sugarcane producer has
>at last kick started the BIO fuel revolution in India.
>Government has made it mandatory to add 5% of Ethanol
>in petrol sold in 9 of 25 states from jan 1st 2003.
>Remaining states will also be included may be in a
>years time. Other policy on the anvil is making this
>to 10% and also having upto 10% of ethanol in diesel.
>No time frame have been mentioned about this.
>This is a great saving of upto 2 billion US$ per year.
>May be by 2-3 years this will touch upto to 5 billion
>US$. Adding a great benefit to environment which I
>need not explain to this user group. Its a great boon
>to sugar cane farmers who for the last 2-3 years have
>not been getting their money from the sugar producing
>mills in proper time and also at a good price ( I mean
>2 billion US$ will be circulated at rural economy).
>I have embarked on a mission to go to every school
>once in a week to educate people on this bio fuel
>drive. Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.
>I mean some good inputs to my presentation slides.
>I have also approached a TV channel which telecast
>weekly debates to have a programm on having a national
>policy on BIO fuel. Any help/pointers in this regard
>is also greatly appreciated.

In general, lots of information at Journey to Forever and Webconx:

Biofuel at WebConX
And in our two archives, Biofuel  and Biofuels Biz:

If it gets more specific, ask the list.

>I have another question. Can normal petromax lamp be
>lit on ethanol?

The BriteLyt Petromax multi-fuel lantern works on ethanol and on 
biodiesel (not sure about SVO, maybe not). I don't know about the 
generic look-alikes. Best ask the manufacturers rather than trying it 
out yourself (might be risky). If they don't know, you can probably 
persuade them to do tests, considering that it would be a market-plus 
in view of India's ethanol plans.

Also check with NARI - Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute:

Improved kerosine lanterns

Best wishes


>Best regards,

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