A Native American grandfather talking to his young grandson, he
tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him struggling with
other. The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness. The
other wolf
is fear, greed and hatred.

"Which wolf will win, grandfather?" asks the young boy.

"Whichever one I feed," is the reply.

Read on McDuff...

Swami's 2003 State of the Universe Address By Swami Beyondananda


Hello everybody -- it is great to be here ... and you know what?
really have no choice. Because no matter where we are, we are
here. And it is always now. In fact, there's even a book called
Power of Now. I haven't had time to read it yet, but I hope to
get to it
in a later now.

Meanwhile, back in this now, the issue facing the United States,
indeed the world is, will George Bush give in to his Big Iraq
Attack and
order up a war? Latest reports say that a war to force a regime
in Iraq will cost $200 billion. It is puzzling to me why some of
fiscal fitness fanatics in the Republican Party haven't tried to
find a
cheaper way to do it. Maybe if they offered the Iraqis half --
billion -- they could do it themselves. Then we'd still have $100
billion left to spend on regime change in this country.

Because -- and I have to be blunt here -- the folks we have in
are fossils fueled by fossil fuels. And in the reptilian brain,
aren't solved, they're attacked. Like the War on Poverty.

Remember that? I'm happy to report that it's finally over. The
people have all surrendered. And take the War on Drugs -- please!
How many billions have they spent? My solution is cheaper and
effective :   .....Improve  Reality!

Now we have the War on Terrorism. We're going to terrorize those
terrorists into giving up terrorism if it's the last thing we do!
And it
just might be. The good news is -- and I have it on the Highest
Authority -- there will indeed be peace on Earth. Whether we
humans are
around to enjoy it, that is up to us.

No wonder there is so much fear, uncertainty and confusion on the
planet. I'll tell you how bad it's gotten. You've heard of
Uncertainty Principle? Well, they're not even sure about THAT
And so, more and more people are turning to the mystics for

I have often said there are two kinds of mystics, the optimystics
the pessimystics. Now pessimystics seem to be more in touch with
"reality," but optimystics are happier and live longer for some
The pessimystics have been crying, "The sky is falling, the sky
falling!" The optimystics say, "No. It just looks that way
because we
are ascending."

Now, for those people who read the news -- not to mention those
unfortunate enough to BE in the news -- last year was not an easy
to keep an optimystic attitude with so much pessimystic evidence.

Call me a hopeless "hopium" addict, but I choose to accentuate
positive. For example, you can say we human beings have moved
down the path of self-destruction. Or you could say the Earth is
itself of a virulent parasite.

You can despair over continuing war, disease and starvation, or
you can
go, "Hey, population control the good, old fashioned way --
birth control or abortion." Who says "compassionate conservative"
is an

You can worry about the government taking liberties with our
or you can say, "Life has become simpler! They've boiled the Bill
Rights down to just one: You have the right to remain silent."

So I am not going to dwell on the negative. As my guru Harry
Cohen Baba
used to say, "Life is like photography ... we use the negative to
develop." So let us look at the bright side.

Like technological advances, for example. Forty years ago
President John
F. Kennedy promised to have a man on the moon by the end of the
Well, we have far exceeded that. Thanks to the so-called Patriot
George Bush can have a man on Uranus by the end of the week!

George Bush was responsible for a great spiritual advance last
year, as
well. He upgraded the Golden Rule for the new millennium. It's
now the
Gold Rule: "Doodoo unto others before they can doodoo unto you."

And -- say what you will -- President Bush has made great strides
behalf of minority representation. Never before have we had a
who was looking out for a smaller minority.

Now this is the State of the Universe Address, and seen from that
perspective, things look great! I am happy to report that the
continued to expand in 2002, and in fact, they actually had to
let the
Photon Belt out a another notch. An expanding Universe means more
too, so we can expect a steady influx of aliens looking for work.
the Universe just keeps purring in perfection, ever-changing as
The planets continue to harmoniously spin in their orbits, and
for the occasional case of asteroids, they just calmly go about

Meanwhile, back here on earth, things are a bit more
problematical. We
still haven't fully recovered from that vicious dogma attack of
911. But
as an optimystic, I believe you can indeed teach an old dogma new
tricks, simply by changing the emPHAsis to another sylLABle.
Instead of
focusing only on emergency measures, why not take emerge 'n SEE

When we emerge from our fearful hiding places and see from the
comic perspective, we realize that beneath all the stress and
and sadness in life there is a deep well of joy. Each time we let
laughter bubble up from the well, we experience deep wellness.
helps us overcome gravity, especially when we shine the light of
laughter on those poorly-lit corridors of power.

Do you know what the leading cause of terrorism is? It's
I'm serious. Think about it. Those people have no sense of humor.
Otherwise how could they believe they will get to heaven by
other people through hell? Here is my vision: A suicide bomber
at the Gates of Heaven, and God clops him over the head and says,
"SCHMUCK! What'd you do that for? 72 virgins? YOU get one
 old  virgin, and his name starts with Ayatollah!"

But if Americans are willing to revive the Iraqi Horror Picture
just to feed our out-of-control oil habit, how are we that
How many innocents will be put through hell, just to preserve our
corner of relative heaven? There is no real peace without harmony
balance, only the vicious cycle of injustice. Peons get tired of
peed on, right? You get pissed on, and pretty soon you're gonna
pissed off. This causes the hot spots to flare, and pretty soon
an uprising, which usually results in a downfall. All these
and downfalls can be wearing on the body politic.

Fortunately, we do have a choice. One of my favorite stories
recently is
about a Native American grandfather talking to his young
grandson. He
tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him struggling with
other. The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness. The
other wolf
is fear, greed and hatred.

"Which wolf will win, grandfather?" asks the young boy.

"Whichever one I feed," is the reply.

Every day -- every moment -- we have the choice to feed the wolf
or the wolf of fear. It is interesting that we are called
What better time than now to find out, can mankind treat man

I have a dream ... I call it tell-a-vision. I say, if you're
dissatisfied with the current programming, you can turn off your
TV and
tell a vision instead. Here is my vision: Remember the Manhattan
during World War II? It took less than four years for a group of
scientists to develop the first weapon of mass destruction. My
is, we can do even better for an even worthier goal. We could
call it
the Manhelpin' Project, and its purpose would be to develop the
weapon of mass construction instead.

Think about it. What if we used that $200 billion set to detonate
Iraq, and put it toward becoming the worldwide leader in
clean, sustainable energy sources? Now there's some real power.
something so plentiful you don't have to pay an army to protect
share. A healthy income, a healthy outcome ... what could
possibly make
more sense? Boy, talk about feeding two birds with one scone!

The choice is up to us. If we want an alternative, we must feed
"alter native" economy ... anything that alters us natives for
better. The world we live in is a byproduct of the products we
buy, is
it not? What if we only choose to buy products with healthy
Think about this: There are at least 45 million Americans who
consciously want to feed the wolf of peace. If each of us
switched just
$100 into the alter native economy, that would be $4.5 billion!

Last year, we launched a blisskrieg and declared "all out peace."
happy to report it is already working. More people are letting
inner peace out, and these outbreaks of peace are actually
esteem to rise! And we all know that rising esteem is good for
atmosphere. As esteem rises, more people on the planet will be
able to
be all that they can be -- without joining the army. And when
more of us
put our energy into love and laughter instead of criticizing and
condemning, we will have Uncritical Mass ... and we will bring
aboutNonjudgment Day, and along with it, Disarmaggedon. Now you
be wondering, what will Nonjudgment Day look like?

Let me tell another vision.

I have been to the heights of levity, and I have seen people all
the world dancing together in the universal dance of fool
... The Hokey Pokey. I want you to hold this vision with me: all
of the
world leaders at the United Nations beginning their sessions with
Hokey Pokey. What if Ariel Sharon and Yasser Arafat put their
selves in? That would be commitment. And then pulled their whole
out. That is detachment. Then they turn themselves around, which
transformation. And that, my friends, is what it is all about!

So, how can you help raise the laugh force on the planet enough
to bring
about Nonjudgment Day? First, you can take a vow of levity, and
more. And we even have a Laughmore Society to help you do just
Next, you can support everyone's right to laugh by joining the
Right To
Laugh Party ... "One big party, everyone is invited. All for fun,
fun for all."

Commit random acts of comedy. Practice Fun Shui and leave the
world a
funnier place. Anything to elicit a moment of of fool-realization
with a
spark of laughter. Because only when we lovingly laugh at our
foolishness, can we seriously change things for the better . May
wake up laughing and leave laughter in your wake ... and may the
be with you!

© Copyright 2003 by Steve Bhaerman. All rights reserved. To find
more about the Swami, and how you can promote healing laughter
transformational comedy through the Laughmore Society and the
Right-To-Laugh movement, go to:

or call Swami's hotline at
Have a great day !!


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