FYI, CARB stands for California Air Resources Board , CARBOB stands for
California Air Resources Board Oxygenated Blend

also see

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 8:35 AM
Subject: [biofuels-biz] Valero finds advantage in gasoline blend

> Valero finds advantage in gasoline blend
> USA: February 26, 2003
> HOUSTON - Not following its competitors in the California gasoline
> market has made money for Valero Energy Corp. (VLO.N), a spokeswoman
> told Reuters this week, but analysts say the company isn't crowing
> about it.
> "They really don't mention the advantage of sticking with CARB," said
> Fadel Gheit, senior energy analyst with Fahnestock & Co. Inc. "This
> particular attribute is not something they are highlighting."
> CARB is the shorthand name for a blend of gasoline mandated by the
> state that is mixed with Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) an
> additive that reduces tailpipe emissions.
> "There is an advantage to be selling CARB," said Valero spokeswoman
> Mary Rose Brown.
> Most refiners switched to making a different gasoline blend called
> CARBOB, which uses ethanol instead of MTBE, at the beginning of the
> year. Valero and fellow San Antonio-based refiner Tesoro Petroleum
> Corp. (TSO.N) did not, opting to wait until being required to switch
> to CARBOB at the beginning of 2004.
> Since the beginning of this year, the wholesale price for CARB has
> been running about 4 cents per gallon higher than CARBOB. Last week,
> the difference was even wider with CARB at times priced eight cents
> higher than CARBOB.
> Valero won't say how much money it is making from being one of two
> big refiners producing CARB, but price did play a role in the company
> changing its mind about making small amounts of CARBOB this year.
> "We at one time said we were going to make some CARBOB this year, but
> we looked at it and the economics weren't there," Brown said.
> A Tesoro spokesperson was unavailable for comment.
> A CARBOB price spike was expected as shortages of the new gasoline
> were expected. Those shortages have not developed, but price jumps
> may occur as refiners begin making the summer formula of CARBOB,
> analysts have said.
> The switch to CARBOB is being mandated by the state to reduce
> pollution from automotive fuels. MTBE and ethanol both cut the amount
> of waste in the car exhausts, but MTBE has been found in California
> groundwater, raising fears of another source of pollution from the
> fuel.
> Last year, the state pushed back the date from switching to CARBOB
> from Jan. 1, 2003 to Jan. 1 2004.
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