It just blows me away .. how much focus ... and focus ... and focus ... is
put on "how bad Saddam is".    Or "lookey what sneaky thing Iraq is doing".
Notice that each sentence ends with "and that's why we need this WAR".
"And that's why we need this WAR".    I SAID .... "AND THAT'S WHY WE NEED

I am NOT "Saddam's best friend".  Yet I see this.  I have not seen a single
bomb with Iraqi writing on it ... ever drop on US soil.  I have not seen a
single Iraqi F15 Phantom Fighter ... loaded with heatseekers ... ever come
within a thousand miles of California or New York.  I have not seen a single
Iraqi amphibious command boat ... loaded with Iraqi soldiers ... ever
spotted in American Waters heading for our shores.   Their cruise missile
... so many Kilometer overranged ... doesn't even threaten US airspace.

In other words .... I don't see any "defense mode justification" kicking in.
Not obviously anyways.

All "I" see ... is a lot of Economic problems on the Homefront.   Every
State of the Union running a Deficit.  Corruption of every kind running
amuck.  Enron's ... WorldCom's ... everywhere.  NorthWest Airlines ...
asking for a "bail out".   Poverty ... Chicago Slums.... Los Angeles Smog.
CAFE and Emission loopholes encouraging the wrong kinds of vehicles to be
(or not be) manufactured.   The trade deficit looms.    The National Debt ..

And lastly YES ... our foreign DEPENDENCE .... is like WAY too high!!
(gotta connect it to biofuels somehow!!).

I dunno about ALL you guys (not picking on harley .. at all) .... but I was
always brought up with the notion that ... before commenting on "some other
guy's way of running his household" .. "GET YOUR OWN HOUSE IN ORDER".  And
our "house" ... is DEFINITELY .. NOT in order!!!!!!!!

Now don't get me wrong ... I'm NOT heartless.  I'm NOT immune ... to the cry
of an Iraqi mother (or grandmother).  I don't RELISH the thought of "some
madman" ... terrorizing his own people.   But being at another countries
backyard IN THE FACE of that countries business .... right now seems to be
like trying to offer a neighbor help .... while a kitchen fire in your own
home has caught on to a drapery and threatens to burn down your house.

To me .. at present ... we seem to be in too many people's business ...
while all the while OUR OWN HOME .... is in shambles.   Especially, as I
have mentioned, in the area of foreign dependence.

I dunno ... that's what gets me ... whenever I hear ads trying to pull my
heartstrings ... implying "why" we "need" this war.


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----- Original Message -----
From: harley3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Iraqi scientist says materials for nuclear bombs in hand
By Paul Martin

 LONDON - Iraq is already using copies of pirated German equipment to
process nuclear material for an atomic weapons program, according to a
former Iraqi nuclear scientist who testified before the U.S. Senate this

That study concluded that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's regime could make
an atomic bomb within months if it succeeded in acquiring the necessary
nuclear fuel from an outside source.
But Mr. Hamza said Iraq already has.......

"This means, unless he's stopped soon, Saddam will have set up a whole
nuclear bomb industry, not just have made a couple of bombs," he said.

----- Original Message -----
From: harley3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      February 26, 2003, 10:00 a.m.
      Voice of Iraqis
      Why don't antiwar types want to hear them?

      By Amir Taheri

The Iraqis had come with placards reading "Freedom for Iraq" and "American
rule, a hundred thousand times better than Takriti tyranny!"

"These people are mad," said Awad Nasser, one of Iraq's most famous
modernist poets. "They are actually signing up to sacrifice their lives to
protect a tyrant's death machine."

The former film star, now a Labor party member of parliament, had no time
for "side issues" such as the 1.2 million Iraqis, Iranians, and Kuwaitis who
have died as a result of Saddam's various wars.

But was it not amazing that there could be a rally about Iraq without any
mention of what Saddam and his regime have done over almost three decades?
Just a little hint, perhaps, that Saddam was still murdering people in his
Qasr al-Nayhayah (Palace of the End) prison, and that as the Westerners
marched, Iraqis continued to die?

We then ran into Tony Benn, a leftist septuagenarian who has recycled
himself as a television reporter to interview Saddam in Baghdad.

But we knew there was no point in talking to him. The previous night he had
appeared on TV to tell the Brits that his friend Saddam was standing for
"the little people" against "hegemonistic America."

The Iraqis would had much to tell the "antiwar" marchers, had they had a
chance to speak. Fadel Sultani, president of the National Association of
Iraqi authors, would have told the marchers that their action would
encourage Saddam to intensify his repression.

"I had a few questions for the marchers," Sultani said. "Did they not
realize that oppression, torture and massacre of innocent civilians are also
forms of war? Are the antiwar marchers only against a war that would
liberate Iraq, or do they also oppose the war Saddam has been waging against
our people for a generation?"

"The death and destruction caused by Saddam in our land is the worst since
Nebuchadnezzar," he said. "These prosperous, peaceful, and fat Europeans are
marching in support of evil incarnate." He said that, watching the march, he
felt Nazism was "alive and well and flexing its muscles in Hyde Park."

Abdel-Majid Khoi, son of the late Grand Ayatollah Khoi, Iraq's foremost
religious leader for almost 40 years, spoke of the "deep moral pain" he
feels when hearing the so-called " antiwar" discourse.

"The Iraqi nation is like a man who is kept captive and tortured by a gang
of thugs," Khoi said. "The proper moral position is to fly to help that man
liberate himself and bring the torturers to book. But what we witness in the
West is the opposite: support for the torturers and total contempt for the

Khoi said he would say ahlan wasahlan (welcome) to anyone who would liberate

"When you are being tortured to death you are not fussy about who will save
you," he said.

Ismail Qaderi, a former Baathist official but now a dissident, wanted to
tell the marchers how Saddam systematically destroyed even his own party,
starting by murdering all but one of its 16 original leaders.

"Those who see Saddam as a symbol of socialism, progress, and secularism in
the Arab world must be mad," he said.

Khalid Kishtaini, Iraq's most famous satirical writer, added his complaint.

"Don't these marchers know that the only march possible in Iraq under Saddam
Hussein is from the prison to the firing-squad?" he asked. "The Western
marchers behave as if the US wanted to invade Switzerland, not Iraq under
Saddam Hussein."

Let us hope that when Iraq is liberated, as it soon will be, the world will
remember that it was not done in the name of Rev. Jackson, Charles Kennedy,
Glenda Jackson, Tony Benn, and their companions in a march of shame.

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