Aloe,Keith:  I was in "shock and awe" that you passed my Ullman post without
comment, given the prevailing tone of the posts of the past several months.

Now that you have commented, I'll reply.

"""""""800 cruise missiles into Baghdad in two days? Little loss of life?
Have neither you nor he read the projections? """"""""""

1) This may have been part of the psychological hype (psy-ops) in the run-up
of the last few weeks, to convince Saddam to not fight, but flee.

2) This is not WW II with German v-2's indiscriminately raining down on
civilian England. Our military is fond of touting the precision of it's
hardware. Maybe 800 on the Palaces and Ministry of Information, but not
indiscriminately on the city.

""""""""""""""How can Harlan Ullman, while claiming to have written the book
"Shock and Awe", say this?

>And, while a rapid, stunning victory with relatively little loss of
>life will surely create a favorable political condition, that may
>not be enough."""""""""""""

He can say it because of the following paragraph (which you did not

""It is the peace that will dictate who ultimately won the war. In
>that regard, the Bush administration would be well-advised to
>concentrate its future intellectual and practical efforts."""

He's asking the Bush Administration to make the peace as successful as the

Keith, now that we've cracked the opposition ice, can I submit a George Will
piece? :}

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