Hi Bryan

Well, for all your argument about this and that, all the stuff that seems
to say... "What can little me do to change the world?". Just standing up
and saying that makes a difference. 


On Fri, 4 Apr 2003 09:14:30 -0600, "Bryan Brah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> War is simply the extension of foreign policy by means other than
> diplomacy.  The purpose of war is to bend another to your will by
> disarming him or making the alternatives to his surrender worse than his
> surrender.  Mind you, I$B!G(Bm not making a distinction between
> $B!H(BJust$B!I(B and $B!H(BUnjust$B!I(B war, or exploring the
> motives for war, I$B!G(Bm simply stating the nature of war.  With this
> in mind, any country contemplating war, or engaged in war would be
> foolish to not use all means (weapons) at its disposal in the prosecution
> of that war.  By extension, any country planning a war would be equally
> foolish to not develop and prepare weapons and strategy.  So the original
> argument of this thread about the US using advanced armor and DU
> projectiles should come as no surprise to anyone.  Since US leaders have
> elected themselves (Literally and Figuratively) as the heads of the only
> remaining Superpower, you should expect nothing less than the most
> advanced w!
> eapons ever developed.  
> I don$B!G(Bt disagree that there are $B!H(Bideologues who have
> hijacked US foreign policy,$B!I(B unfortunately they have also hijacked
> US domestic policy.  But the root of the problem is not US policy.  It is
> western consumer culture, or more accurately the piggish consumption of
> natural resources by western consumer culture and the imperialistic
> pursuit of those resources by western governments. 
> Andrew$B!G(Bs suggestions that Americans should be less ignorant of
> foreign cultures and less apathetic about what their own government does
> are great suggestions, here$B!G(Bs another $B!H(BAmericans should
> ride public transportation$B!I(B and another $B!H(BAmericans should
> eat less meat$B!I(B, and another $B!H(BAmericans should
> recycle$B!I(B.  I could continue all day long about what Americans
> SHOULD do, but the problem persists of how to make them actually do it. 
> If anyone has a plan about how to make Americans become better world
> citizens, please share it with me.
> -BRAH  
> > 
> > None of these solutions is remotely workable.  That leaves the status
> > quo and WAR.  Someone once said don't bring a knife to a gunfight.  When
> > you fight, you should damn well have the best weapons available.
> > 
> > -BRAH
> > 
> Perhaps less ignorance about other cultures, and less apathy about a
> group
> of ideologues who have hijacked US foreign policy?.
> Best weapons? Well, indeed America certainly has exactly what could be
> expected
> from spending 500% more on the military than the nearest other country.
> Your
> friends are frightened of you. Are you OK with this?
> Andrew Preston
> -- 
> Andrew Preston
> -- 
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