Hello Robert

>Pieter Koole wrote:
> > Hoi Greg,
> > That sounds interesting. What is a Methane digester ? Can I build it or buy
> > it, or is it industrial equipment ?
> >
> > Met vriendelijke groeten,
> > Pieter Koole
> > Netherlands
>    At the risk of butting into someone else's conversation, I have 
>a few links
>you might try if you're interested in anaerobic methanogenesis:
>        http://www.methane-gas.com
>            This is Al Rutan's web page.  He's pretty knowledgeable about this
>particular subject.  Here's a link to an
>                article he wrote for "Home Power" magazine a while ago:
>                    http://www.homepower.com/files/methane.pdf?search=biogas

Ye-es, but don't believe him when he talks about organic fertilizers. 
I questioned him about it, not saying he was wrong, asking his 
opinion - I told him what my doubts were based on, gave him 
references to some very authoritative (and interesting!) info, and 
genuinely wanted to hear his point of view, but he got defensive, 
refused to read the refs, blew up at me and told me I had keyhole 
vision. :-/ Funny sort of thing to be married to, a biogas digester. 
Now I don't have doubts about it anymore, I'm certain of it, and I 
can back it up.

>        http://biorealis.com/digester/construction.html
>            I don't know who this person is, but he seems to 
>advocate a two step
>approach to methanogenesis.  Steve Spence used to maintain a biogas reference
>library at webconx.com, but the link is dead right now.

webconx.com is dead and gone.

>I only see his posts
>over at sci.energy.hydrogen--perhaps he found the anti war discussion in this
>forum too aggressive for his liking.

Robert, I think this is a strange attribution of aggression - Steve 
repeatedly treated anything that disagreed with him with contemptuous 
dismissal, and all he'd back it up with was his say-so. What he was 
rather aggressively demanding was our unquestioning acceptance of the 
extremely aggressive (and illegal) invasion of a sovereign state, for 
spurious reasons, and with a casualty count that now exceeds 10,000, 
and still counting, no trivial matter. And NOT off-topic. Certainly 
he didn't like it, but neither did we, and we were a lot fairer than 
he was. But if he feels unwelcome here on that account he's mistaken, 
and he should know that.

But his posting everywhere has been sporadic - last I heard he'd been 
away, and got bounced by Yahoo.

Anyway, I'll be posting a fairly comprehensive list of biogas 
resources soon, annotated and organized.

>Here is a link to his current biogas page:
>            http://ww2.green-trust.org:8383/methane.htm
>        You can find a whole library of information there.
>        http://www.journeytoforever.org/biofuel_library/methane_bate.html
>                This is an article about an Englishman who runs his 
>vehicle and
>heats his home with biogas from chicken manure.  There's not a lot 
>of technical
>info there, but it's interesting. . .

There is more information in some of the links at the end. I just 
mentioned it in another post.

Best wishes


>robert luis rabello
>"The Edge of Justice"
>Adventure for Your Mind

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