See also:

Round-up Ready Sudden Death Syndrome
Prof. Joe Cummins finds evidence that Roundup Ready causes sudden 
death and other diseases by boosting fusarium in the soil. 30/11/03

Ten reasons to NOT use Roundup

Greenpeace Report - Not Ready for Roundup: Glyphosate Fact Sheet

New Study Links Monsanto's Roundup to Cancer

ARGENTINA: The catastrophe of GM soya


Argentina was once the world's granary. Now starving children haunt 
the villas miseria - shanty towns - and cartoneros (unemployed) 
families roam the streets looking for leftovers to eke a living from. 
Over half the population live below the poverty line.

Ever since Christopher Columbus arrived on the coast of the Bahamas 
in 1492, Latin America's wealth has been drained for the benefit of 
Europe and the United States. Bolivia's silver mines were ransacked 
leaving behind poverty and destitution. Gold from Mexico, Peru and 
Brazil filled the banks in Europe. Venezuela was turned into a coca 
plantation for export and the West Indies were transformed into 
"sugar islands" of slavery. More than 500 years later, the colonisers 
have changed, but the colonisation and plunder continue in the name 
of globalisation.

Argentina, once boasting a diverse agricultural sector, is being 
transformed into a land of soya-bean monoculture. In the last 10 
years, the amount of soya grown has nearly tripled, according to 
World Bank's figures, and it is almost 100% genetically modified (GM).

It was the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) prize pupil, 
Argentina's President Carlos Menem, who signed the contracts with the 
agribusiness giants Monsanto and Cargill to go the "soya way" at the 
beginning of the 1990s. The contracts were entered into without the 
participation of Congress and without a public debate. Since then, 
Argentina has become the second largest GM soya producer in the 
world, after the United States.

The countryside is being left empty as the farm workers' role in 
nurturing the land and crops is displaced by aeroplanes and 
agribusiness infrastructure. Migration to the cities has risen at an 
alarming rate: 300,000 farmers have deserted the countryside and more 
than 500 villages have been abandoned, or are on the road to 
disappearance. Agribusiness GM soya farming requires agriculture 
without culture or people. As a consequence, the villas miseria on 
the outskirts of the cities are mushrooming with the arriving 
unemployed agricultural workers.

Dusty ashes are left as the earth is intoxicated with agrochemicals 
to harvest Monsanto's patented seeds, which are genetically modified 
to be resistant to the company's herbicide, Round Up. Previously 
unknown illnesses are appearing as people are exposed to highly toxic 
herbicides, which include Agent Orange, the defoliant used by the US 
military to devastate Vietnam during the 1960s and '70s, and others 
that contain paraquat, which can corrode metal, and glyphosate.

Floods without precedence are taking place as forests are cut down to 
make way for soya crops. In the high-mountain provinces of Salta and 
Juyuy, on the border of Bolivia, the subtropical Yungas region is 
being deforested to make space for soya plantations. Greenpeace has 
warned that in five years, the ancient cloud forest will be extinct.

In April, the city of Santa Fe was flooded: 140,000 people were 
evacuated, sections of the city were submerged and several people 
died. Thousands lost their homes and possessions as they fled for 
their lives.

Alongside this destruction, Monsanto's profits in Argentina almost 
doubled, from US$326 million in 1998 to $584 million in 2001.

Because Monsanto holds the patent to "Round Up Ready" soya seeds, 
farmers are dependent on the corporation to provide them. They cannot 
legally develop their own varieties of the patented seed.

Never missing an opportunity to expand its profits, Monsanto 
subsidiary Cargill Seeds and the ChevronTexaco oil company have 
teamed up with the Argentine Association of Direct Seed Producers to 
promote soya as the solution to the malnutrition problem in the 
country. Their aim is to integrate the bean into the Argentine diet 
and change people's eating habits to suit their business interests.

The Soja Solidaria (Solidarity Soya) project is ruthlessly promoting 
GM soya as a viable alternative to traditional forms of nutrition 
among the poorest communities, which is creating a nutritional 

Soja Solidaria encourages soya producers to donate 1% of their soya 
production to comedores - eating halls for the unemployed, and in 
public schools, hospitals, neighbourhood centres and old people's 
homes. The organisation uses community participation to reach the 
heart of society, complementing their donations with cooking courses 
using soya recipes and the provision of health and nutritional advice 
on the benefits of the genetically modified bean.

The GM soya grown in Argentina has never been independently 
scientifically tested for its safety. Monsanto's GM beans have been 
highly exposed to agrochemicals containing glyphosate. Glyphosate is 
soluble in water and in order to make it penetrate the plant, a 
surfactant is added. Glyphosate is therefore present in the very core 
of the soya bean. Washing the bean is not sufficient to prevent the 
consumption of glyphosate. Glyphosate can be harmful to the eyes, 
causes skin inflammations and is linked to a variety of lymphoma 

In Argentina, soya products are not labelled as GM. It is promoted as 
a healthy alternative to meat, so even the middle classes, worried 
about cholesterol levels, are turning to the fatal bean.

As soya exports are ever increasing, so are hunger, marginalisation 
and destitution in this once plentiful land.

The IMF and World Bank's structural adjustment recipes aim to 
integrate southern and northern markets through "free trade". 
However, such a global market, policed by the World Trade 
Organisation, is for the benefit of the corporations. Policies such 
as the dumping of cheap subsidised goods from the rich countries, not 
only destroys local markets, but entire livelihoods. What is becoming 
apparent is that it is access to local, not global, markets which 
will prevent poverty and hunger.

Argentina now imports milk from Uruguay, as farmers stop dairy 
farming to make way for soya crops. But what will people consume if 
imports become economically inaccessible? Monsanto's toxic beans in 
Soja Solidaria's comedores?

This is why the international farmers' movement Via Campesina 
campaigns for food sovereignty: the right for countries to produce 
and protect the food they need. This frees producers from the 
catastrophic effects of agricultural dumping and gives them access to 
their local markets.

The farmers' movement MOCASE in Santiago del Estero, Argentina, is 
reclaiming this fundamental human right. But the multinationals, 
along with their local collaborators, are campaigning to drive 
farmers off their farms to make way for more soya. Farmers' homes 
have been bulldozed, paramilitaries have tortured MOCASE members, who 
also suffer political persecution. MOCASE is recreating what 
Monsanto's genetically modified monoculture is destroying: organic 
agriculture; reforestation; solar and wind power; local crafts; and a 
sustainable way of living and farming for future generations.

[Ann Scholl is a social anthropologist and freelance journalist. 
Facundo Arrizabalaga is a lawyer and freelance journalist. They both 
live in Argentina.]

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