<x-charset ISO-8859-1>Hi MM

>I wonder of the resurgence of this diet, as covered by the media quite
>often these days, will lead to any consequences for biofuelers, or in
>other areas.  A greater amount of household "waste" grease that
>biofuelers locally could help folks rid themselves of?
>I"m also hopeful it will lead to problems for ADM, (but I'm not
>holding my breath).  The diet is not only anti-carbohydrate, but will
>hopefully get folks specifically to look at this issue of how much
>"high fructose corn syrup" they've been ingesting.   In so doing,
>maybe we will see a downturn in the business fortunes for this
>Years ago, when I first ran across Atkins, I had this thought.  But
>the situation has tended to remind me of when I first ran across
>digital photography..... the downturn for Kodak's film-based business
>seemed written on the wall... but it took a bit longer to develop than
>a few months.
>The analogy isn't perfect, or even good, but in any event, hopefully
>it will lead to a lessening of ingestion and production of High
>Fructose Corn Syrup (particularly as we see the US sugar lobby
>continue to protect its high prices..... even as the high price of
>that sugar has historically been used as a partial justification for
>some industries turning to Fructose).

Atkins kills ADM? A pleasant scenario... Well, maybe.

Caustic Commentary, Summer 2003
Atkins' Revenge
The latest Consumer Expenditure Survey of the US Department of Labor 
indicates that Americans are buying fewer grain products and more 
meat, poultry, fish and eggs. Wheat consumption (mostly in the form 
of refined flour) in the US dropped 4 percent from 1997 to 2001 and 
the cereal industry is not happy. The Wheat Foods Council has 
launched an "educational campaign" at nutritionists and the medical 
community to counter these trends. "Healthful grain-based foods have 
become the scapegoat for weight gain, when overeating and 
under-exercising are at issue," said Carol Pratt, a Kellogg nutrition 
and regulatory affairs expert and incoming chairwoman for Wheat 
Foods. The grain industry blames Dr. Atkins for declining sales, and 
rightly so, as several studies now lend credence to his low-carb diet 
for weight loss. "I'm very much concerned," says Mark Dirkes, 
spokesman for Interstate Bakeries, maker of Wonder Bread. "He 
[Atkins] has run a very effective campaign. That just can't be good 
for our industry." According to the wheat council, Americans who 
follow the Atkins diet increase their risk of health problems, 
including "cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol kidney damage and 
some cancers" (Reuters March 16, 2003).

Caustic Commentary, Winter 2002
The results of a recent study on the Atkins diet have dieticians 
squirming. In a six-month trial, those on the low-carb, high-fat 
Atkins diet lost on average 18.5 pounds, compared to 9 pounds for 
those on a high-carb diet-the kind that has been promoted for years 
by the American Dietetic Association. Had the high-carb dieters won, 
the news would be splashed on the front pages of every major 
newspaper. Instead, the report was relegated to a side column in the 
Washington Post (10/29/02). Sally Squires, author of Lean Plate Club. 
a weekly column, reported the good news in a few sentences, followed 
by paragraphs of backpeddling-the Atkins diet could cause heart 
disease, constipation and nutritional deficiencies. "We were 
surprised that women could adhere to it [the Atkins diet] as well as 
they did," said dietician Bonnie Brehm. "I'm not sure that there is a 
take-home message from this study, except that there is more research 
needed. . . We by no means are recommending the Atkins diet from this 
one study."

Caustic Commentary, Fall 2002
Food columnists have been abuzz since the publication of science 
writer Gary Taube's exposé in The New York Times Magazine, July 7, 
2002. "What if it's all been a big fat lie?" he asks, and then 
proceeds to explain why the USDA-endorsed high-carb diet is more 
likely to make us fat (and diabetic) than a diet containing higher 
levels of fat. Many dieters wrote to the newspapers confirming that 
only the Atkins-type diet helped them lose weight and keep it off. 
Lowfat guru Dean Ornish got plenty of column space to sputter about 
the dire consequences of a high-fat diet, and prime time exposure on 
Oprah Winfrey's show to warn dieters about the Atkins regime. Oprah 
was polite but noncommittal. According to the tabloid Globe, August 
6, 2002, Oprah's days of yo-yo dieting are over. She has come down to 
a reasonable weight of 174 pounds and is "filled with joy." Her 
successful dieting approach? Eliminate the "white stuff"-potatoes, 
white rice, pasta, refined sugar, bread and salt. We don't agree that 
Oprah should eliminate salt, but we're glad that she has found the 
winning combination-reasonable expectations and an elimination of all 
those high-carb foods that we've been told will keep us slim.

Adventures in Macro-Nutrient Land
Diets high in carbohydrates and low in fat don't stick to the ribs. 
Unimpeded by fats, which have the effect of slowing down digestion, 
carbohydrate foods flood the bloodstream and quickly raise the blood 
sugar. Without adequate fat in the diet, the blood sugar is likely to 
tumble shortly thereafter, causing intense hunger and food cravings 
that are satisfied either by more high-carb foods-or by giving in to 
fats. Either way, the result is more calories. It's no coincidence 
that as Americans have tried to avoid dietary fats, the rate of 
obesity has climbed. That's because we're eating too many calories, 
say the dieticians, wagging their fingers with disapproval. 
Unfortunately, only those with iron wills can eat high-carb and 
low-cal for any length of time. The weak-willed raid the cupboard or 
the refrigerator, bingeing and splurging on snack foods and sweets.
The role of fats in curbing appetite was recognized as long ago as 
1863, when William Banting first proposed a low-carbohydrate, 
high-fat diet for weight loss. Today this diet is promoted by the 
famous (or infamous) Dr. Atkins, who looms over the card-carrying 
dieticians like the Cheshire cat...

More about Banting:
William Banting: Father of the Low-Carbohydrate Diet

Lots of interest at Sally Fallon's Weston A. Price Foundation:

Facts about Fats- Why the Current US Dietary Guidelines are Making 
Americans Fat

Soft Drinks - America's Other Drinking Problem

Sugar-Free Blues

The Oiling of America

The Skinny on Fats

Much more.



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