--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mr. Harbican. You are quickly becoming a waste of occupied air space. And
this is not the first time that you've exhausted the patience, consumed the
energies and wasted the time of many people on this list.

You have virtually no clue, or at minimum could care less, as to the great
pains that other list members have taken with your assaults, assertions and
assuasions, the latter of which is becoming increasingly more insulting to
the intelligence of those who extend to you the courtesy of reading your

Face it. The continuance of the topic has more to do with you trying to find
some tiny bit of sod where you can be perceived as being unequivocally
correct after being found on at least two instances to be so absolutely in
error. It's about you brow-beating everyone whom you differ with or who
takes issue with your errors, assaults, soft-pedaled distractions and
smokescreens to the point that they finally get sick of your useless pursuit
and break off, permitting you to declare yourself a "winner," at least in
your own mind.

FYI, I've suffered through every word of your posts, disjointed, arrogant,
abusive and otherwise. And oddity of oddities, the only credible source that
you've posted in this thread to date is a sub-page of the source from which
was drawn the first set of facts that put your first wild assertion in the
dung heap that it belonged. See

You remember your assertion. The one that Bush was clueless as to whether
what was transpiring was an accident or an attack until he was on his way
back to DC in Air Force One.

You profess the capability to admit when you're in error. Yet on this thread
all that can be found is you dancing, skipping and hopping from one post to
the next trying to ignore how wrong you've been. And you continue to do so.

There are only two benefits that can be perceived as having come from this
thread. The first is yet another revealing of how far you are willing to go
and how many people you are willing to abuse in order to protect your pride.

The second is the posting of a data source that many on this list may not
have been aware of - one in which they can review at their own leisure and
obtain a far more in-depth understanding of the events that happened in the
air and on the ground on September 11, 2001 than your distorted posts could
ever provide.

As for my previous post where I stated that anyone who responded to you
further was only enabling you? It won't happen again. At this point in time
you are proving yourself to be nothing more than a waste of other people's
worthwhile energies.

Todd Swearingen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Harbican" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: Enough already Mr. Harbican was Re: [biofuel] Re: THE HOT MOVIE

> Rewrite history?  Talk about a fairytale.
> Yes, you sniped the whole thing, before you even read it or looked at the
source ( not that I agree with all that the source had to say ).
> All I was talking about is possible reasons ( and personal opinion ) he
did nothing for 7 min., just as other people were doing ( others citing
incompetence as one reason ), but, giving him the benefit of a doubt, which
no one else on THIS list was doing.  Like I said before, there are several
things that he has done, that I disagree, but, it appeared that in the case
of this list, many judged him guilty, before being he got a far trial,
because many here don't like him as a person.
> Because I disagree with the call of incompetence, I am said to be
rewriting history.    Talk about being biased, and not open to other
> Rewriting history, is in the realm that others have mentioned, " he needed
some reason to boost his popularity " for one.
> Yes, I get my facts wrong from time to time, and when I am sure that I
have gotten my facts wrong I have say so on list, but, I never rewrite
> OTOH your saying that I rewrite history is nothing more than an out right
> G.H.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Appal Energy
>   To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
>   Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 10:32
>   Subject: Enough already Mr. Harbican was Re: [biofuel] Re: THE HOT MOVIE
>   Greg,
>   <SNIP>
>   If you want to rewrite history, please do it on your own time. Beyond
>   all you're doing is exercising your own ego, salving your own wounded
>   and wasting an entire list's time.
>   And all those who respond further to your foolishness? All they're doing
>   enabling your form of disjunctive reasoning and helping to plow a list
>   deeper into the ground.
>   Good bye.
>   [Snip the whole damned lot of it.]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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