Please read this message - it will help you get the best out of your membership.

Rights and obligations

Membership of Internet discussion groups is a privilege, not a right. Like any community, your rights end where those of others begin.

This is especially important at the Biofuel list, which has a large, global, multi-cultural membership with very diverse views.

Many of the members think this is one of the list's greatest values, but some newcomers are unprepared for it, and a small minority fail to adapt: confronted with views that differ from their own, they lash out in anger. Others have demanded that dissenting views be censored, usually by labelling them "off-topic".

But would you walk into a strange bar in a foreign city and give everyone orders about what they may and may not discuss? Of course not.

Open discussion

Some newcomers don't realize at first that it's a *biofuels* list, not just about how to make biodiesel. Biofuels is a much more wide-ranging subject and it comes with a context. With such an international membership, what has "nothing to do with biofuels" is a matter of opinion. Anything that has to do with energy has relevance for biofuels issues. Similarly, though the focus is on "ready-to-use" technologies, discussion of all alternative energy technologies and topics is welcome. ("Free energy" scams might not be very welcome.)

So the discussion is free and open. That is a long-established tradition of the list, much discussed and endorsed by the majority of the list membership. There aren't a lot of rules, but that is one of them: no calls for restricted discussion. It's a discussion list, not a less-discussion list.

That said, the Biofuel list is also a very good place to learn how to make and use biodiesel, with about the best resources there are and many experienced biodieselers who are happy to help.

List Netiquette

Other rules are the usual ones: good Netiquette, the universal rules of social discourse, that discussions should be even-handed and honest.

Some of the following are rules, others guidance.

- If someone questions you, don't just ignore them. You should be prepared to substantiate what you say, or to acknowledge it if you can't. Admitting you were wrong doesn't mean you "lose face", it gains you respect.

- Obscene language is banned.

- Advertising of goods or services related to biofuels is not banned but should be kept to a minimum. This is a privilege, not a right, and it should be proportional to a member's contribution to normal discussions. There are also other issues involved. If in doubt it's best to ask the list administration first.

- Don't call for an offlist response unless you have a special reason. If it's discussed on-list, everybody can share in the discussion, more people will contribute, you'll end up with much better answers, and it will all be in the archives for future seekers to find there.

- When there's disagreement, try to be diplomatic - attack an opinion, not the person. "I disagree" is not the same as "You're wrong". Disagreement is productive, flame wars are not.

- Trim your replies: quote relevant portions of the original message in your reply, and <snip> what's not relevant. Read through what you've written before you Send it.

- In-line responses are much better than "on-top" responses (some lists insist on in-line responses). See:

Post In-line for Context

See also:

Netiquette, by Virginia Shea, Table of Contents (online book)

- All members are obliged to read Administrative messages sent to the list, and to heed them. These messages will have "PLEASE READ - Moderator's message" in the Subject line.

Using the list

Newcomers sometimes get confused by all the different topics being discussed, but all messages have subject lines, there's no need to read anything you don't want to read. If you don't see what you're interested in, just ask. Or check the archives first to see if it has been dealt with previously, and then ask. If you have information to offer please do so.

Here is some advice on how best to handle a mailing list:


The list language is English, but if you are a non-native English speaker please don't let that stop you. Many list members write bad English but it doesn't matter, even very bad English is easy to understand. Use the language translation programs on the Web if you like, they're not very good sometimes, but again it doesn't matter. The list is not just for the "Western English-speaking males" who mostly populate the Internet, it is for everyone, with a special interest in the "3rd World" countries of the Global South.
Language Tools

List resources

Please make use of the resources listed at the Biofuel list home page:

Especially the searchable list archives:

The archives contains more than 38,000 messages over nearly five years. The question you want to ask or the topic you're interested in has probably already been covered. That's no reason not to ask it again, but if you know what's gone before you'll ask a better question and get better answers.


As an essential anti-virus measure the list does not accept attachments. All attachments are automatically removed before messages are distributed to the members. It is not possible to receive a virus from the Biofuel list.


Internet mailing lists are not public places, they are more like private clubs, to which you have to subscribe. Membership is a privilege, not a right. The list administration reserves the right to withdraw members' privileges and their membership at any time.

Thankyou, best wishes

Biofuel list administration
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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