Hi All,

You might want to get a copy of Five Acres and Independence by M. G. Kains. It was written in the 1940's and is sort of considered the "bible" of small scale farming. My copy is packed away, but if I remember correctly (and I may not) it has info on building a root cellar and a ice house amongst other things.

It has been reprinted many times and is still available for a reasonable price.


"Five acres and independence: a practical guide to the selection and management of the small farm" by Maurice Grenville Kains, 1935, 1973, Dover Publications, ISBN 0486209741 Another great back-to-the-land classic on the basics of self-sufficient farming, covers all aspects of making a small acreage profitable and livable. First published in 1935, still in demand and still in print. Costing information and some other details are out of date now, but the principles remain intact -- eg, the chapter on "Tried and True Ways to Fail". From Powell's Books:
From Lehman's Non-electric Catalog:
http://www.lehmans.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prmenbr=12426 &prrfnbr=14484&FROM_CAT_REF=12822

Very nice book, Kains was a nice man. His other book, or one of them, Profitable Poultry Production by M. G. Kains, is in our online library, here:


Keith Addison
Journey to Forever

On Sep 10, 2004, at 7:08 AM, Greg Harbican wrote:


Ok. The only thing that comes close your situation that I think would work,
is something I read a while back. A couple were in a similar situation (
only dryer ) and what they did, was, they found a large container ( in this
case a old walk in freezer unit that didn't work any more ) and dug it in as
far as they could.  Then they mounded even more dirt on top ( made a small
hill they did ).and made a double door entrance ( an airlock ) out of the
sun.  They also planted grass and bushes on the hill and trees directly to
the east, south, and west, to shade the "hill" and for the cooling effect
that the shade would give.  In your case a solar cooling unit ( will actualy
make ice if set up right ) would help allot.  I have several in PDF format,
and one in particular I think would work great for were you live.  If you
would like I could send a copy of it to you.

Greg H.

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