on 9/13/04 6:37 PM, Andrei Cular at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm not going to argue that man has or has not had some impact on the
> current state of the environment.

Good -- in another 10-20 years, when everyone is VERY concerned
about the messed up climate, they won't be asking that question
either. Some might wonder wistfully if there wasn't SOMETHING we
coulda done, but mostly they'll just be trying to cope.

In truth, the ones in denial today (perhaps yourself) aren't really
that far off -- at this point there probly isn't much we can do to
avoid significant dislocation -- it might be nice if we could avoid
becoming another VENUS  :-)

See Richard Heinberg's books -- The Party's Over, and also his latest
PowerDown, for a well-reasoned perspective.    -K

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