
Corn = Maize
1 US gallon = 3.785 liters
1 USD today equals below:
0.56 GBP
1.28 CAD
0.82 EUR
1.41 AUD
Here are figures given to me by at a meeting for a proposed ethanol plant
the other evening. I gleaned them from my note taking.

In 1980, it cost $3.60-3.80 USD to produce one gallon of Ethanol.

In 1990, it cost $1.27 USD per gallon.

In 2004, it costs $1.00-1.03 USD per gallon.

In 2006, it is predicted to cost 0.85-.0.90 USD per gallon produced.

Why the further drop in a couple of years?
Answer- The continual drop in production costs are occuring due to...among
other things:
1) Greater efficiencies in plant operation from new designs, new
technologies, and more experienced labor and management.
2) New yeast and enzyme varieties are continually coming on board.
3) New corn varieties targeted specifically for the DRY mill processing
fuel grade market.

Link about new corn varieties->

Ron B.
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