Trio of New Internet Resources from Alliance to Save Energy
Source: Alliance to Save Energy
Posted by: Alliance to Save Energy - archive

Posted on: Oct 8, 2004 @ 10:34 am

For Further Information For Immediate Release
Ronnie Kweller 202-530-2203; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Trio of New Internet Resources from Alliance to Save Energy
Offers Industry Energy Cost Relief, Enhanced Bottom Line

Washington, DC, October 8, 2004 - A trio of new web-based information resources developed by the Alliance to Save Energy can help manufacturers keep their energy costs in check and their profits up by managing their energy use wisely. The new tools are an industrial energy efficiency clearinghouse, corporate energy management case studies, and a steam case study database.

"Savvy manufacturers know that curbing energy costs takes more than just fuel-price shopping - it also takes smart energy use management," said Christopher Russell, the Alliance's director of industrial programs. "They know that good energy management can often reduce fuel expenses by 10 to 20 percent, while boosting plant reliability and capacity. Add to that savings on raw materials and the reduced expense of idle resources. Companies find that efficiency measures also provide control over thermal resources. Control provides reliability, so orders can be filled faster. This means they can take on more orders - and make more money. The bottom line is that managing energy consumption is an indispensable part of any strategy for dealing with volatile fuel prices."

The average annual energy savings for the over 75 projects undertaken by DuPont, for instance, is $275,000. Kimberly Clark has reduced energy consumption by 11.7 percent per ton of product. And Frito-Lay's fuel, power, and water management activities yield a combined 30 percent return on investment.

The new Alliance resources include:
* The Industrial Energy Efficiency Clearinghouse ( introduces technologies, management strategies, training opportunities, and financing options. The Checklist for Getting Management Approval helps staff advocate energy efficiency to skeptical top managers.

* Corporate Energy Management Case Studies ( presents a variety of real-life cases on the organizational and managerial aspects of implementing company-wide energy strategies. Users can review the hurdles to and rewards of daily energy management.

* The Steam Case Study Database ( allows visitors to browse more than 120 steam system improvement case studies by type of industry or improvement or by location to learn anticipated costs, savings, and payback for selected improvements. Steam systems consume more than half of the fossil fuel used by industry.


The Alliance to Save Energy is a coalition of prominent businesses, government, environmental, and consumer leaders who promote the efficient and clean use of energy worldwide to benefit consumers, the environment, economy, and national security.
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