Hydrogen economy looks out of reach
 Mark Peplow
 07 October 2004 

 US vehicles would require a million wind turbines, economists claim.

 Converting every vehicle in the United States to hydrogen power would
 demand so much electricity that the country would need enough wind
 turbines to cover half of California or 1,000 extra nuclear power stations.

 So concludes a British economist, whose calculation is intended to
 highlight the difficulties of achieving a truly green hydrogen economy. 

 "This calculation is useful to make people realize what an
 enormous problem we face," says Andrew Oswald, an economist
 from the University of Warwick.

 The hydrogen economy has been touted as a replacement for
 fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide when burnt, thus
 contributing to global warming. Burning hydrogen produces
 only water.

 Most hydrogen is currently made from methane, in a process that
 releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Splitting water
 molecules with electricity generates hydrogen - but the
 electricity is likely to have been generated from fossil fuels.

 Although this may shift urban pollution to out-of-town electricity
 plants, it makes little difference to greenhouse-gas output.
 "Today, hydrogen is not a clean, green fuel," says Oswald's
 brother Jim, an energy consultant who assisted with the
 calculation. "You've got to ask:
 where did the hydrogen come from?"

 The only technology that can currently make large amounts of
 hydrogen without using fossil fuels relies on renewable power
 sources or nuclear energy, the Oswalds argue. Hydrogen will
 only mitigate global warming when a clean source of the gas
 becomes available, they say.

 Unpopular options

 The duo considered the United Kingdom and the United States.
 Transport accounts for about one third of each country's
 energy consumption.

 UK transport uses only a tenth as much energy as the United States,
 but there is less land available: the hydrogen switch would
 require 100,000 wind turbines, enough to occupy an area
 greater than Wales. 

 It's unlikely that enough turbines could ever be built,
 says Jim Oswald. On the other hand, public opposition to
 nuclear energy deters many politicians. "I suspect
 we will do nothing, because all the options are so unpopular."

 "I don't think we'll ever have a true hydrogen economy.
 The outlook is extremely bleak," he adds. The brothers
 outline their calculation in the current issue of
 Accountancy magazine.

 "Hydrogen is not a near-term prospect," agrees Paul Ekins,
 an energy economist at the Policy Studies Institute, London.
 "There will have to be a few fundamental breakthroughs in
 technology first," he says.

 Politicians eager to promote their green credentials,
 yet unaware of the realities, have oversold the hydrogen dream,
 says Ekins. "I'm amazed by the number of politicians who think
 you can dig hydrogen out of the ground," he says.

 However, he thinks that the Oswalds are too pessimistic about
 the possibilities of new technology. "An enormous amount of
 attention is being paid to generating hydrogen cleanly," he says. 

 If we could trap the carbon dioxide produced by fossil fuels
 underground, we could convert them to hydrogen, says Ekins.
 "It's not tried and tested, but it's a possibility." And it
 could become a reality by the time we have enough
 hydrogen-powered cars to make it necessary, he says.

 So do the Oswalds have a more immediate answer to the
 hydrogen problem? "We could always use less energy, but
 that doesn't seem very likely," Jim Oswald says ruefully.
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