Judaism". That continues the myth that "Jesus was a jew" that the so-called inter-faith crowd that serve Israeli interests like to use. Jesus was NOT a "jew" nor was there any such thing as "judaism" at the time He physically walked the earth. Jesus was born Judean and of the tribe of Judah, hense Hebrew by blood. The words "jew" and "judaism" didn't even find themselves in the English language until the 18th century. "Judaism" is in fact a continuance from Talmudism which came from Phariseeism, the very doctrinal base that Jesus so deplored in his verbal attacks on the hypocritical religious system of the day. When Jesus said,"Ye by your traditions make the law of God of none effect" it was in direct reference to this same Talmud, cornerstone to modern "judaism" which is in fact actually in practice Talmudism and completely removed from the Torah or Old Testament. So-called christians in the American right support Bush because of his position in brown nosing Israel ,not to mention that Sharon most likely has something on him that would be really revealing, like what involment Israel has in 9-11 that Bush classified. The false assumption that modern day Israel is in some way "The Return of Jacob" is just that , fake. it is a few who have taken a prophetic message and used it out of context to better further a poitical agenda. The modern day state of Israel is not inhabited by semites of the blood decendancy from the Hebrew Judeans but are an eastern turko-finish race of mongols that history has identified as Khazars who converted en-masse about 700AD when their king< Bula, was in search of a common belief for his empire to thwart to advances of the Christian Russian and Bysantynes who eventually did conquer them but not before Bula had brought back from the grave, so-to-speak, the Talmud and it's rabinical herecies and Christ hating blaphemies. Mohamed was instructed by a Christian monk and later recounted the stories he heard, himself being illiterate, to scribes upon his return to the Moorish peoples that he led into a life of faith based upon what he had learned. Israel today is still the same Khazars that it has always been. One trademark of this empire was to conquer tribes and then live off of the taxation imposed upon them as well as to mercenary out huge armies to the highest bidder. This gave them great wealth and influence. The one unifying influence throughout the Khazarian empire was the teachings of the Talmud which flatly state that all those not calling themselves "jews" are not even considered human, nor is killing Christians a sin but rather an offering to god. Who has benefited from the conflicts in the Middle East ? Why is there always a "terrorist" attack just when it looks as though some sort of peace is at hand? Who benefits from it? The Palestininas whose land and children are stolen and slaughtered? Or is it not rather those who get to keep what they have stolen ? To whose advantage is the oil grab in Iraq ? Wouldn't be to the bludger state of Israel that sucks the US taxpayer dry to the tune of 4 BILLION dollars per year would it? What of that pipeline from Kirkuk to Haifa that they are all in such a hurry to build? Too bad the Iraqi people keep blowing it up so that the Zionists can't steal that too huh? America's so-called christians and their support, both moral and financial, of the Zionist serial wars makes of them such hypocrites and traitors to the name of Christ and what he taught and stood for that it will take quite the rude awakening to ever get them to see the truth and subsequentkly the grave error they have made in supporting a criminal venture that is not even Semite in nature to start with. http://texemarrs.com/impure_blood.htm Shows that by DNA proof that those living in the political state of Israel who call themselves "jews" aren't. It is a scam ! http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/13trindx.htm Award winning author Artur Koestler traces the origins of the Khazars and what became of them. Alfred Lilienthal's "What Price Israel" also shows up this racial and cultural fraud for what it is.
And finally, a comprehensive comparative work by Elizabeth Dilling using quotations directly from The Jewish Encyclopedia and The Babylonian Talmud (Soncino Edition) shows what this so-called holy book, The Talmud actually teaches about Christ and Christians; a must-read for all those so-called christians in America that think Israel is so great. http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/dcontents.html That is if they can get past the Rabbis spitting on them in the streets of Jerusalem. The so-called christian right in the US is directly res[ponsible for all the blood of thousands of innocent children thathas been spilled over there as accessories both before and after the fact and for that they will stand naked before God and give account, but not before dragging the worthy name of Christ into the blood-drenched ditches of yet another Zionist atrocity.

When the USS Liberty was attacked, who did it? Israel.
When Lybia was attacked who set it up to look as if they had something to do with the niteclub bombing ? Israel's Mossad and a false flag op.
Who's official moto is "By Way of Deception Thou Shalt do War" ?
Israel's Mossad. Do the deed but be sure you leave a fresh passport behind so eveyone will know who to point the finger at. Just like Judas Iscariot was "called" a disciple but turned out to be a traitor, so too are these "called" Christian but deny the very faith they claim to live by.Traitors,each and every one. Jesus said, "why call ye me Lord Lord and DO NOT the things that I ask?" like love God and each other, which He said were the only two comandments that were necessary? Is that what these so-called christians are doing when they support oil grabs and the slaughter of innocent babies in sovereign lands? There were no WMD's, there is no connection between Saddam and "Al Queda", there is no connection between Saddam and 9-11, so all of these amount to what Bush et company of Zionist neocons have done are wars crimes, the Congressional authority not being in force when he lied to the world and invaded Iraq. So not only are the so-called christian-zionists hypocrites and traitors to their faith but they are also suporting international crimes. The UN has declared the Iraq war illegal. The Congressioanl authority was conditional on the aforementioned events which did not and do not exits, so even under US law the war is ... illegal. Crimes, all of it and these so-called christians support it all blindly leading the blind and falling into whatever ditch they care to drag the world into.
There is such a thing as righteous indignation and tis is mine.


----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: [Biofuel] Noble gesture by Bush

>Jefferson, now and again, was a very wise man. I believe George >Washington also echoed those sentiments about foreign entanglements. For those who would like a better summary than I can give of the "anti-Bush" logic, there is an Adobe Acrobat chapter online by George Soros (the billionaire) called "The Iraqi Quagmire." It is available for downloading at
The actual download is at: http://www.georgesoros.com/soros_chapter_four.pdf

I particularly like the part on page 58 about the (remember, this is chapter four, so it's not page 58 of the download). Anyway, it reflects the statement I made below about Bush "restating Kerry's logic." Bush took a chance relying on the WMD argument, hoping, I guess, that we would indeed find WMD in Iraq, or, more likely, if the invasion was a success, no one would care to question the logic. What he underestimated was the amount of resources it would take to mount an occupation.

About the pro-Israel (Zionist) lobby. A lot of born-again Christians in the U.S. support Bush, and also Israel, mistakingly thinking that, since Christianity was born in Judiasm, that they should therefore support Israel and some of them even look forward to the "Apocalypse." Page 53 of Soro's chapter four makes an interesting comment: "Since the apocalypse involves the destruction if Israel, Israel might be better off without friends like this."

There were Jews in Palestine long before Israel came about in 1948. They were scattered among the Arabs for centuries, and there were conflicts between different peoples for centuries. The Crusades came about because the Ottoman Empire (I think this is right) invaded Europe, and this was Europe's response. Also, Britain, in particular, was worried about Russia and used this Arab area as a sort of "buffer."

The Islamic religion was born from Judiasm and Christianity, even as Christianity was born from Judiasm. No one can change what has happened down through the centuries, and there have been a lot of wrongs on all sides. More hating and fighting isn't going to solve anything, but that is exactly human nature seems to be about.

The U.S. is caught in the middle, ostensibly because of its "lust" for oil. But what would these countries do if suddenly the U.S. found another source of energy and announced that it didn't really need to import the oil?

What if we dropped Israel altogether and left it to fend for itself?

Would these Islamic extremists be satisfied. Or would they still want to exterminate us?

What is their real agenda?

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