Wood fires that fit - Appropriate technology: Journey to Forever


             Zandu Goldbar
             Alberta-BC Border Loges-de-Corbeaux BC-Alberta Z6Z 6Z6 CANADA
             [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.geocities.com/partyofcitizens

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 ----- Original Message -----
 From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 1:08 PM
 Subject: [Biofuel] U.N.: Indoor Pollution Kills 1.6M Per Year

 > http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=168171
 > ABC News:
 > U.N.: Indoor Pollution Kills 1.6M Per Year
 > U.N. Calls Indoor Pollution Silent and Unreported Killer; Smoke
 > Claims 1.6 Million Lives a Year
 > GENEVA Oct. 15, 2004
 > - About 1.6 million people are killed each year by indoor smoke from
 > cooking fires in developing countries, U.N. agencies said Friday.
 > "That's one life lost every 20 seconds to the 'killer in the
 > kitchen,'" said a statement by the World Health Organization and the
 > United Nations Development Program.
 > "While the millions of deaths from well-known communicable diseases
 > often make headlines, indoor air pollution remains a silent and
 > unreported killer. Rural women and children are the most at risk."
 > The agencies said nearly half of the world continues to cook with
 > dung, wood, coal and other solid fuels in fireplaces and stoves that
 > lack chimneys or vents to safely remove the smoke from the house.
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 > "Smoke from burning these fuels gives off a poisonous cocktail of
 > particles and chemicals," they said.
 > People that aren't killed directly by the fumes can succumb to
 > respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia brought on by
 > the smoke.
 > The agencies said a typical wood-fired cooking stove creates carbon
 > monoxide and other noxious fumes at anywhere between seven and 500
 > times over the allowable limits.
 > "Day in day out, and for hours at a time, rural women and their
 > children in particular are subjected to levels of smoke in their
 > homes that far exceed international safety standards," the statement
 > said.
 > Hope for improvement comes from a growing network of experts and
 > organizations that is finding innovative and affordable solutions
 > using cleaner stoves, fuels and smoke hoods, the agencies said.
 > "But this is just the beginning," they said. "We need the same
 > attention paid to this killer in the kitchen as is paid to other
 > major killers."
 > Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
 > material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
 > ----
 > http://www.healthcentral.com/news/NewsFullText.cfm?id=1505050
 > Health News
 > UN: Indoor Pollution Kills 1.6 Million Annually
 > About 1.6 million people worldwide die each year from the effects of
 > indoor pollution, two United Nations agencies reported Friday.
 > "While the millions of deaths from well-known communicable diseases
 > often make headlines, indoor air pollution remains a silent and
 > unreported killer," according to a statement from the World Health
 > Organization and the U.N. Development Program.
 > The agencies said people in nearly half of the world continue to cook
 > with wood, coal and other solid fuels in conditions that lack proper
 > ventilation, according to an Associated Press account of the report.
 > The resulting smoke and fumes contain a toxic cocktail of particles
 > and chemicals, the report said. And people who don't die from the
 > direct effects of the smoke often die from respiratory disease, the
 > agencies added.
 > A typical wood-fired cooking stove creates noxious fumes and smoke
 > that are up to 500 times greater than international safety standards
 > permit, the report said.
 > -----
 > Copyright © 2004 ScoutNews, LLC. All rights reserved.
 > Last Updated: October 16, 2004

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