Hello Keith and the rest of the group,

I've been interested in several of the listings mentioned here previously, 
including the one regarding Jean Pain.  The other is the gentleman that made 
kits to sell to people to utilize manure in running their vehices.  I'm keen on 
the first idea especially, as all of the materials are available to me and it 
is something that I can see myself doing as a way to lesson my impact upon the 
earth.  I understand the idea of using the heat of the compost pile to heat 
water for hot water needs, but am confused on how to implement the use and 
storage of gas as shown in the webpage 
(http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel_library.html#pain).  I'm confused on how 
one would inject the methane produced into innertubes and than pull it back 
out.  How does one measure it?  Are there pressure release valves if too much 
gas is introduced into the system?  How is it used in an internal combustion 
engine?  (I'd like to power my gas pickup (pre-fuel-injector) and a generator, 
though bio/wvo is an option for the generator.)  Does anyone have any 
schematics/plans that show how to go about doing this?  I'm sure that I could 
manage the hot water bit, I just want to make sure I don't blow up anything 
with the gas.  P.S. I'm not especially mechanically inclined, so simple 
step-by-step instructions are best.  I would appreciate any help people can 
provide.  I can't be the only person confused about this! ( : 

Thanks again!  Jason

Hi Noctaire

>I've seen plenty of information on biogas factories at public waste
>facilities, on farms, and so forth but I'm not seeing as much on small scale
>production.  Does anyone have any resources they can suggest that would have
>more information on smaller production?

Methane Digesters For Fuel Gas and Fertilizer -- With Complete 
Instructions For Two Working Models

Nepal Biogas Plant -- Construction Manual

Jean Pain: France's King of Green Gold

There's some interesting stuff in the list archives. Try these:

Fwd: Anaerobic digestion of oil cake

Fwd: Anaerobic digestion of oil cake - more

Biogas was Rejoining list with a question

Best wishes


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