If I'm not mistaken..George Bush won both the
"dysfunctional electoral vote" as well as the
popular vote by an excess of 3.5 million votes.

Best wishes


Well, whatever, in four years' time, if there's
anything left by
then, when this maniac leaves the White House, if
not before, maybe
Americans will take the opportunity to kick out
their antiquated and
obviously dysfunctional electoral system too. Once
before I suggested
you should be able to vote "against" as well as
"for" - not a bad
plan in itself, but the point was to ask whether
anyone knew of any
politician who'd support such a plan. LOL! Would
have made for a
somewhat different picture I think.

Here's another plan, below.

Best wishes



The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - We want to
elect the American president
We want to elect the American president

By Yassin Al-Haj Saleh
Special to The Daily Star
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

We ought to take seriously the findings of a
recent global opinion
poll in 23 countries and consider joining the
citizens of the world
in electing the next American president. Making
this proposition a
reality should be very simple since it rests on a
fundamental and
democratic tenet: decisions taken by the resident
of the White House
affect the destiny of countries, peoples and
individuals all over the
world. In other words, the latter is the president
of the world and
it is only right for those who are at the
receiving end of any
authority's decisions to express their opinion and
participate in its

We might remember how President George W. Bush
attacked John Kerry
claiming that he wanted to consult France when
making decisions;
sure, and why not? This should be so at least for
those decisions
that largely affect France. Europeans, and among
them the French,
would probably prefer Kerry because he, unlike
Bush, is liable to
consult them when making decisions that affect
their country's

However, those that are most affected by George
Bush's decisions are
the unfortunate citizens of the Middle East.  This
therefore gives us
the right to take part in the American elections,
unless they stop
interfering in our private affairs. This does not
alter the fact that
we do not elect other powers whose decisions
impact our destiny more
than the U.S. does, namely Middle Eastern regimes,
including the only
"democracy" among them. Arab regimes are not
democratic however, and
Israel does not consult with non-Jews when it
decides to kill
Palestinians and occupy Arab land.

The call for Middle Easterners to participate
(let's forget the
French) in the American elections might seem
impractical, and it is
indeed so, for we know full well that a call for
the expansion of the
American electoral base is impossible at this time
given the actual
framework of nation states and the existing global
situation. We also
know, however, that these very frameworks are
causing the gradual
disintegration of democracy within the democratic
themselves and the disintegration of their
international policies. We
are also witnessing the stumbling of the
democratic reform processes
in many countries around the world, especially in
the Middle East.
The world is becoming more inter-connected and
complex while
obstacles remain unchanged.

Therefore, the nation state is no longer the only
suitable locus for
democracy. For if the situation continues as is,
the contradictions
resulting from the application of democratic
principles in sovereign
states will increase, leading us to a new colonial
era where calls
for democracy from around the world would remain
largely unanswered.
This new colonial wave already has its own
ideology: the clash of
civilizations, militarism and Bushism.

The only alternative is a new global democratic
framework - a process
that would not replace the existing one but run
parallel to it,
provided there would be, in due course, a
redistribution of power and
a process to reconcile between the two frameworks.
The desired result
would be akin in principle to the relationship
between the European
Parliament and local parliaments in individual

To dismiss such an alternative would negatively
impact the democratic
process in the old and established democracies
themselves. A good
example would be the way the American governing
elite has probably
used Sept. 11 to stir up nationalistic sentiments
and unify American
society in a manner highly reminiscent of
Baathists throughout the
Arab world. Also reminiscent of the Baathists is
the Americans' way
of accusing those that do not fall in line of
treason, of adopting
conservative economic and social policies, and of
restricting civil
liberties. In the meantime, they launched a
worldwide strategy of
military aggression that seems to have no end in
sight and to which
over 20,000 Iraqis who were not consulted have
fallen victim. No one
has yet claimed responsibility for the wrong
decision to go to war,
in spite of the fact that all the pretexts for
launching it were
proven to be baseless (weapons of mass
destruction, and the Iraqi
regime's connection to Al-Qaeda and the Sept. 11,
2001 attacks), in
addition to the obvious lies of Iraqi agents like
Ahmed Chalabi. A
Democracy that does not admit its mistakes and
isolates its citizens
from the decision-making process is in fact
isolating itself from its
own people and inviting the possibility of falling
victim to the
machinations of the mighty.

Thus, when the U.S. came up with the fabricated
pretexts of spreading
democracy and the need to remove the regime of
Saddam Hussein to
justify its invasion of Iraq, its regime was akin
to that of Saddam
Hussein and the farthest away from democratic
principles since World
War II. Furthermore, when William Kristol
announced (contrary to most
opinion polls) on Fox News the overwhelming
victory of George Bush
over John Kerry in the third and last debate, he
was so very
reminiscent of former Iraqi Information Minister
Mohammed Said
al-Sahhaf when he continued to proclaim victory
against the Americans
until the very morning Baghdad fell. He also
seemed very reminiscent
of the former Syrian information minister who saw
victory for Syria
in Resolution 1559, for in the newspeak of Arab
Baathists and
American neoconservatives there are no words for
defeat, failure or
stumbling, except when describing the enemy.

The decisions of Mr. Bush or Kerry will affect the
future of my
country as well as my own destiny as a member of
the Syrian and Arab
democratic opposition, and this will manifest
itself most evidently
in the next few months. I therefore see American
policies as coming
from the corner of power and hegemony rather than
those of solidarity
with the weak and in defense of the persecuted. I
do not need to
witness the daily killings of Palestinians to
dismiss any illusions I
might have concerning the American project in our
region, for those
who want to see justice in Iraq and Syria cannot
at the same time
lend support to a professional killer's work in
Palestine. That is
why I see American policy in the "Middle East"
(this terminology
itself does not give due recognition to the
peoples of this region)
as being the other face of the Syrian ruling elite
that does not
recognize the right of the Syrian people to make
up their own mind
and decide on their own future. American policies
in the area
therefore are a mixture of dictatorship and
cultural condescension,
as was manifested in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal
a few months ago.

It seems to me that to democratize the Middle East
we need to
liberate ourselves from not one but three
authorities: autocratic
power structures throughout the region; the
authorities above the
law, i.e. Israel; and the most overreaching
authority of all, the
United States of America. None of these
authorities, as far as the
"Middle East" is concerned, is genuinely

U.S. policies in the region always had a far
greater impact on our
destiny than the Americans ever dared to admit,
and this impact is
only second to that of the local ruling
dictatorships that could
always count on the support of the U.S. as long as
they carried out
their designs and fulfilled their every request.
Today the latter
wants to control us under the pretext of
liberating us, and the
former want to preserve their power under the
pretext of standing
steadfast in the face of external threats.

We shall, however, achieve our freedom only when
we liberate
ourselves from both, in other words, when we can
complete the aborted
national liberation process in this miserable
"Middle East" through
democratic transformation.

Yassin Al Haj Saleh is a Syrian journalist. He
wrote this commentary
for The Daily Star


>At 10:56 AM 11/4/2004, you wrote:
>>Rick Krebs wrote:
>>>4 more years!!!!!! YES
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