Good day Gustl,


I appreciate your comments on this issue. For a brief moment, I felt 
misunderstood and it was as if I was wasting my time. However, you Peggy and 
some others changed that for me.


Some of the things that are going on with the highest office in our Country is 
not good and moving will not make it better. Anytime there is a very large 
percentage of citizens that feels something under-hand took place with an 
election, it will never be of any good.


Therefore, I pray for us all.


Again, I thank you all,


Gustl Steiner-Zehender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hallo Jonathan,

Thursday, 04 November, 2004, 23:07:47, you wrote:

Our problem is that we are having trouble coming together as a species
right now. I do see that it is getting slowly better and better, but
very slowly. People are so slow to understand and quick to anger. If
someone criticizes the actions of the Republicans they are
automatically labelled a "liberal". I someone criticizes the actions
of the Israeli zionists they are labelled "anti-semitic". I a white
man criticizes the actions of a black man they are labelled "racist".
Without even giving a thought to it, without rational and unbiased
examination, without even a care as to the validity of the criticism.

What appears to be happening is that folks are not so much concerned
with the correctness of the proposition, but rather with their winning
the argument at any cost. "My side wins." How sorry is that? What
about truth wins, right wins, morality wins?

For myself, I like it when I am proven wrong about something because
that gives me the opportunity to change my beliefs and position to be
more in line with what is right and true. I don't like being wrong
about things and am more than willing to adjust to what is right. I
don't think a lot of folks are like that. It seems that somehow they
have more of an investment in winning the argument than in really
being right. Competition has its limits and drawbacks and is over
rated. Given the choice between cooperation and competition I would
choose cooperation.

A person has to want to understand before a rational conversation,
discussion or argument can get underway. Over in a neighboring town
there is a guy who refuses to understand anyone who disagrees with
him. I have spoken with him and I get more and more simple in my
explainations to the point where a child could understand what I am
saying and he refuses to understand because he would then "lose" his
position and it would force him to change and he is unwilling to to

We just need to keep on trying, and for those of us believing in such
things, praying, and have faith that a brighter and better day will
come. And yes, friend, peace to us all.

Happy Happy,

JD> Man... 
JD> "Dubya"???
JD> "Unite" = join, fuse, mix, bone, Come together… I could go on and on…
JD> If We as a Country do not Unite is some way then we as a Country are weak. 
We all do not have to agree on every issue. That is the very thing that makes 
this Country unique. Remember… Freedom of
JD> speech, religious conviction… 
JD> Look… The only thing I want to get across is that I did not like the out 
come of this election. However, as an American, I feel that we all must seek 
some sort of common ground.
JD> Without it, I don’t see us moving forward. The past is just that! The past. 
We need to learn from it and move forward.
JD> Peace to us all,
JD> Jonathan

JD> Ken Provost 
JD> on 11/4/04 4:06 PM, Jonathan Dunlap at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> I believe I understand what you are saying here. However, we
>> as citizens of this United States of America must unite not
>> only under this President for the next four years, but under
>> every one that follows after him. ?United We Stand?
>> Divided We Fall?.

JD> I will never "unite" (whatever that means) with anyone "under" Dubya
JD> or any other jerk who may come along. If that means we "fall" (whatever
JD> THAT means), sobeit.

JD> California oughta be a separate country anyway -- I'd hardly call that
JD> "falling". -K

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
Mitglied-Team AMIGA
ICQ: 22211253-Gustli
The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts. 
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music. 
George Carlin
The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

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