Hi CS ;

--- csc-propulsion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Boeing does no such thing. MD did make some of the
> doors or some not
> important part in the host country. The avionics and
> the complete Boeing
> plane is made in USA. Do not make wild guesses.

A quick google turned up :


"To that end, Boeing buys the parts of the wings for
its jumbo 747s and for its 737s from the Xian Aircraft
Co., the Chinese company that built MIG fighter
planes. China has imposed that requirement as a
condition of the sale. Eventually, the Chinese factory
will produce the tail section for the 737, which now
is made at the Boeing plant in Wichita. Chinese
engineers have visited Boeing facilities in the United
States and Boeing engineers have visited China."

"How did the Chinese factory secure the tooling and
machinery to build tail sections? Boeing supplied the
tooling. When asked whether Boeing furnishes tooling
to its subcontractors in the United States, a company
representative replied: "Boeing provides tooling for
some suppliers, and the some suppliers provide their
own tooling, So it's both.""

"In instructing China, step by step, on how to build
its aircraft, Boeing is essentially setting a
competitor up in business. The day may well come when
China can supply to the world at least some of the
planes that Boeing now does, and do it more cheaply.
But like much of American business today - and most
specifically those businesses that are publicly owned
and susceptible to pressures from Wall Street - the
Boeing-China deal was more for short-term gains, at
the expense of any long-term commitment in America."

Please read the rest of that fascinating article. 
Sure sounds like technology transfer as a condition of
sale to me.

>   You can always stop Walmart and others from using
> China to contract manufacture low value items. 

Yes the American consumer gets what the American
consurer demands.

>   It is so obvious. USA condemns anyone making
> armaments but USA and Israel
> remains the world's biggest arms exporter 

"I believe in dictatorships......  As long as I'm the
dictator".  - GW Bush.  Or "Be reasonable, do it my
way".   Or "Teamwork is a lot of people working
together doing what I say".

> Japan murdered
> millions of innocent people in the 2nd World War,
> more than the Nazis, yet
> they have more nuclear power stations (2nd to
> France) than USA. For them to
> convert to nuclear bombs and embarked on their
> military is like waiting for
> history to repeat itself. They murdered 50,000
> innocent Chinese in tiny
> Singapore alone ( for sending food and clothes to
> China to help war torned
> China), my birthplace and my father is one of them.

I didn't know that but yes I have a copy of "Rape of
Nanking", and it is a brutal story.  Very sorry about
your father.  

>   Is their equality in this world? Have we learned
> anything from  the
> cruelty inflicted by power hungry countries to
> defenceless countries.

I would have to say no.  Your email brims with deep
anger, which is understandable under the
circumstances,  but it just shows me that more trouble
is coming.

Please try to understand me.  I am not judging anyone
right or wrong.  If I see dark clouds in the sky I can
say that it will rain.  The rain will be good for some
(farmers) and bad for some (people caught in traffic
or floods).  This is not a personal bias or
preference, and there is no underlying message.  I
simply say it will rain when I see dark clouds.  Then
to take this a step further, once we agree that it
will rain, we can then take appropriate action (close
the windows and doors, find your umbrella). If we
cannot agree that it will rain, how can we take
appropriate action? 

I do not say the US is right.  Many times I am ashamed
of my country.  There was a time when America was
great,  governed by men of integrity (I believe they
originally were tax protesters). The US is sliding
down the slippery slope.  It grieves me to watch it

The horrors of humanity's inhumanity are painful for
me.  I always wonder about why friendly fire incidents
get so much coverage, but "insurgent" deaths get no
coverage.  Don't we realize that the "insurgents" have
family, wives, children, parents,  who love them as
much as we love ours.  The answer, unfortunately, is
no we don't.  Every "insurgent" death brings with it
as much pain and sorrow as every friendly fire death. 
People say they like GW Bush because he sticks to his
guns.  If that is the case then they should really
love the Iraqiis.

Have we learned anything?  Sadly, no we haven't.

With Best Regards,

Peter G.

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