Thanks for the note, Dr. Bob.

I sent a personal message before I read your reply as well including a
few tips for avoiding dental treatment if it is properly understood.  I
really appreciate your insight and knowledge base for this and other
issues.  You help keep the fringes from fraying.

Thank you.

Kirk McLoren wrote:

>Next they will be telling us there is no problem with amalgam fillings.

note the last sentence of the abstract.  There in lies a big problem:  
How much proof is needed that an effect DOESN'T exist? 

    Mercury exposure from dental amalgam fillings: absorbed dose and the
    potential for adverse health effects

J. R. Mackert Jr and A. Berglund
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30912-1260, USA.

This review examines the question of whether adverse health effects are^

attributable to amalgam-derived mercury. The issue of absorbed dose of^ 
mercury from amalgam is addressed first. The use of intra-oral Hg vapor^

measurements to estimate daily uptake must take into account the^ 
differences between the collection volume and flow rate of the 
measuring^ instrument and the inspiratory volume and flow rate of air 
through the^ mouth during inhalation of a single breath. Failure to 
account for these^ differences will result in substantial overestimation

of the absorbed dose.^ Other factors that must be considered when making

estimates of Hg uptake^ from amalgam include the accurate measurement of

baseline (unstimulated)^ mercury release rates and the greater 
stimulation of Hg release afforded by^ chewing gum relative to ordinary 
food. The measured levels of^ amalgam-derived mercury in brain, blood, 
and urine are shown to be^ consistent with low absorbed doses (1-3 
micrograms/day). Published^ relationships between the number of amalgam 
surfaces and urine levels are^ used to estimate the number of amalgam 
surfaces that would be required to^ produce the 30 micrograms/g 
creatinine urine mercury level stated by WHO to^ be associated with the 
most subtle, pre-clinical effects in the most^ sensitive individuals. 
 From 450 to 530 amalgam surfaces would be required^ to produce the 30 
micrograms/g creatinine urine mercury level for people^ without any 
excessive gum-chewing habits. The potential for adverse health^ effects 
and for improvement in health following amalgam removal is also^ 
addressed. Finally, the issue of whether any material can ever be^ 
completely exonerated of claims of producing adverse health effects is^ 

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