That is the Unix date of 'epoch'
When life began.
No, really there is a variable in all machines that has the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970. So if the data is '1969-12-31', your clock is set to zero. It usually gets set to zero in an email address if the person sending the message has an outdated email client, or an intermediary mail server has problems.

Yup. And that brings us to the 2038 bug. On January 19, 2038 the 32-bit integer that stores the number of seconds* since the Unix epoch began rolls over. Then bad things happen...

...unless we move everything to 64-bit unix time. The 64-bit time rollover is presumed not to be a problem because the sun will run out of hydrogen and turn into a white dwarf star first.


*(2,147,483,647 in case you were wondering)

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