Would you say that all the responses Phillip received to his proposals from Biofuel list members were unnecessarily negative and discouraging?

Why don't you go and count how many were discouraging and how many were encouraging and/or constructive? It spills over into more than one thread but I see very little that's clearly negative, perhaps only one response. Have you asked Phillip whether he thinks the responses he's been getting are as negative and discouraging as you say?

Best wishes


Hello Rachel and Phillip,

Rachel's message is an example of emerging interests for biofuel's
future.  Unfortunately several people from the biofuels group seemed to
discourage Phillip in his dream for making a larger than one-person
difference in his area of the world in the near future (or overcome
existing hurdles).   Phillip seems well-equipped to move forward in
whatever he pursues.  I admire his business-like approach.  His effort
and enthusiasm to forward his personal biofuels project to a commercial
level is the kind of community effort that can make the difference in
turning around the very component gradients that were mentioned as

Thank you, Rachel, for your notice.  Even if we may not attend your
conference due to prior commitments and travel difficulties, the program
you site targets both awareness and community-based stewardship that ARE
evolving as an immediate global solution to multiple problems.

I salute you Phillip for thinking beyond the box, be that box defined as
limitations perceived or conditional by existing mindset.  Change the
belief and the situation will also change.  I was surprised when members
of this group discouraged you in your far-reaching plans and tended to
want to limit your scope to personal use or alternate business ventures.
And I also agree that you need to start on a rudimentary level to
"learn" the process.  The way to make a governmental difference that can
impact the corporate paper dragon is to have more people like you doing
the same kind of planned, small business ventures that you envision.
And Rachel's group is offering the stimulus and necessary knowledge.

The fact that community colleges sponsor grassroots programs offers an
excellent way to bypass control by corporate and government regulators.
Although we all know that it is not mandatory to have more than Internet
connections, your program channels through a recognized educational
system thereby offering an excellent opportunity to keep biofuels
projects educationally sound and publicly acknowledged, as well as
available on a continuing, structured basis.  Just having the hands-on
experience, networking capabilities with local enthusiasts, and having
physical handouts as reference guides is vital to rural awareness.  Our
group is also planning a similar program within a few months with
variations on the biofuels theme and more focused on fuel ethanol.  One
program will train people to run their still and another will include
the building of a personal still.  Some of the seed-thought that have
been nurtured on this forum now need to be transplanted into doable
projects that transcend individual back-yard production.  And this can
be done legally, with government approval in the United States.

I feel that our group at BioFuels Energy Corp. is also a spokes-group
for similar individual and community efforts, (which is also why we take
the time and money [personal expense] to present public interest
lectures at general biofuels industry meetings).  Our first news letter,
which highlights many of the projects we have addressed in the past
several months, is ready for distribution.  Because we are a commercial
group that sells processing facilities and construction kits for small
producers, it may not be appropriate for me to send the actual
newsletter to this forum.  Yet, it is important that we give each other
excellent "will-to-good" thought forms for encouraging each small effort
and especially when it can become a community-based effort.

Unlike some of the recent replies to the business outline that Phillip
presented, I feel that after he learns the basic steps in processing, he
be heartily encouraged to expand his efforts in biofuels production for
community use and service.

Best wishes,

Subject: [Biofuel] Register Now for the Grassroots Biodiesel Conference!

Register now for the Grassroots Biodiesel Conference at Central
Carolina Community College Pittsboro, North Carolina !

Coming soon on January 28-29, 2005

The Biofuels Educational Program at Central Carolina Community College
in conjunction with Piedmont Biofuels Cooperative brings you the first
North Carolina grassroots biodiesel conference!

Join us for a two-day event focusing on
Biodiesel education, Biodiesel consumer's issues,
and support for local biofuels endeavors.

This event will help network consumers, small producers, educators, &
activists from across America.
Afterwards, travel to the National Biodiesel Board Conference in Ft.
Lauderdale,Florida via train!

For the current agenda for Friday and Saturday see the biofuels.coop



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