>From Vandana Shiva's Biopiracy, 1997:
"At the 1994 annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America,
researchers from Oregon State University reported on tests to evaluate a
genetically engineered bacterium designed to convert crop waste into
"A typical root zone-inhabiting bacterium, Klebsiella planticola, was
engineered with the novel ability to produce ethanol, and the engineered
bacterium was added to enclosed soil chambers in which a wheat plant was
growing. In one soil type, all the plants in soil with the engineered
bacterium dies, while plants in untreated soil remained healthy.
"In all cases, mycorrhizal fungi in the root system were reduced by more
than half, which ruined nutrient uptake and plant growth. This result
was unprecedented. Reduction in this vital fungus is known to result in
plants that are less competitive with weeds or more susceptible to
disease. In low organic matter sandy soil, the plants dies from ethanol
produced by the engineered bacterium in the root system, while the high
organic matter sandy or clay soil, changes in nematode density and
species composition resulted in significantly decreased plant growth.
The lead researcher, Dr. Elaine Ingham, concluded that these results
imply that there can be significant and serious effects resulting from
the addition of a genetically engineered micro-organism (GEM) to soil.
The tests, using a new and comprehensive system, disproved earlier
suggestions that there were no significant ecological effects. 25
25. Elaine Ingham and Michael Holmes, "A note on recent findings on
genetic engineering and soil organisms," 1995.
I thought that this may interest somebody out there. I found it
pertinent to my ongoing study of agribusiness and genetic engineering as
they relate to biofuel.  
- Dave
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