respectful than a lot of the theists out there. I bet that a keyword search on god with a capital G comes up a whole lot more than voodoo. If a person wants to believe in the supernatural that is his or her business. but how does that help us in our discussions? The problem with the suspension of reality is it goes no where. Anything is possible, nothing is possible. In the future I will try to restrain myself , but I reserve the right to take a swipe at the proselytizers once in awhile. :0)

Legal Eagle wrote:

G'day Bob;
Perhaps a moment to learn a little respect for beliefs other than your own might be in order.Or, should others treat you the way you treat them?
----- Original Message ----- From: "bob allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge


Bob Allen, Born just fine the first time.
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