Allen and Hakan used to have their say with me! Gosh, I
guess that it can get out of hand so quickly! I wasn't
demeaning the list

Yes you were.

but, it seems to me that you and several
others have taken great offense.

It's not "offence", it's not personal: like any other community, this list community and its traditions are to be respected by its membership. As its steward I cannot allow the tradition of freedom of discussion here to be sneered at, as you did.

Just as I had by Mr.
Guttridge's comment!  Was this enough ? Sincerly, Kim

No, it's not enough. Answer the questions. For the third (and last) time.

I also want an answer to this, and to the rest of the issues you've raised that have been questioned:

> >When I gave you my interest
> >in this forum I thought that you stated that it would be
> >really good to stick to the biofuel interests in the
> forum >perimeters ?
> I said that? Nope. Tell me where I said that - give me the
> exact  quote and the reference, please. Don't ignore this:
> tell me where I  said that.


Just putting a few words on top like you've been doing is NOT enough. Do a thorough job of it.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

----- Original Message Follows -----
> Hello Kim
> Hmm...
> >Keith, I'm sorry to see that you take my response using
> "jk >gasbag" at his word !
> You said it.
> >I'm just wondering if you in turn have
> >written to others about the continued rundown of anyone
> who >has a basic belief in GOD JESUS, United States of
> America >Etc ?
> Huh? What are you talking about? My message to you was
> about your  sneering at the freedom of discussion on this
> list, nothing else,  it's not possible to read anything
> else into it because nothing else  is there. Yet that is
> what you've done. I think you have a problem.
> This is what I said to you - it's below, though you cut
> it: I  reinstated it, but I think I'd better put it above
> too:
> >>>Bob & Hakan, "Much literary criticism comes from people
> for >>>whom extreme specialization is a cover for either
> grave >>>cerebal inadequacy or terminal laziness, the
> latter being a >>>much cherished aspect of academic
> freedom. JKG Thanks for >>>your reply, Kim
> >>
> >>What's that supposed to mean, Kim? There is freedom of
> discussion  >>at this list, it's something that has been
> established, built and  >>maintained over five years, and
> many of us set great store by it.  >>Are you saying that
> it's just terminal laziness, a cherished aspect  >>of
> academic freedom??? Because that it sure as hell isn't,
> other  >>than "cherished" perhaps. There's nothing merely
> academic about it,  >>and it's the very opposite of
> laziness - it's rigorous, as it has  >>to be else it would
> quickly succumb to the lowest common  >>denominator, which
> has happened elsewhere, but not here. Kindly  >>explain
> yourself.
> Hakan had said this:
> >>> > Since we many times enjoyed the freedom of
> discussion, I >>> > guess that we have to accept this kind
> of voodoo also.
> And you sneered at it. That's what my message to you was
> about, and  that's ALL it was about. It has NOTHING to do
> with your "continued  rundown of anyone who has a basic
> belief in GOD JESUS, United States  of America, etc",
> which is in the eye of the beholder and nowhere  else -
> not in my message to you and certainly not in the
> archives.
> Dave Shaw is an American, and he just wrote this:
> >Thank you Keith for reassuring all that we are welcome. I
> have certainly >been guilty of reacting to statements that
> I read as anti-American, only >to reread the further and
> find that the statement was of different >intent. It was I
> who was reading anti-American sentiments. How funny. >This
> is another important lesson that has been learned over the
> years, >and I largely credit this list for speeding up
> that learning process.
> I've just written this:
> >I don't think the system in the US is a good reflection
> of who you  >are as a people, you're much better than your
> system, and I think  >most people sense that in
> differentiating between Americans and  >Washington.
> And this, the day before:
> >Still, as I've said here a few times before, despite
> various foolish  >accusations of America-bashing and
> America hating (baseless  >slander), I still look to
> Americans to lead the way in countering  >this, and to
> take their country back. I'm sure I'm not alone here in
> >thinking this way. Many of the most tireless and
> effective  >campaigners are indeed Americans, in this as
> in many other most  >pressing issues challenging the world
> today. In spite of everything,  >it's MUCH too soon to
> write them off as a lost cause. Washington,  >now... well,
> that's another matter.
> If you can't see the difference, that's your problem
> (another one).  There is no America-bashing here. There is
> CERTAINLY no Jesus-bashing  here! Good grief!
> >When I arrived here I was under the auspice that I was
> >fortunate enough to find a forum that won't have the
> typical >retrograde stances that you state that this forum
> shouldn't >have.   My first day here I was treated to some
> amazing >bashing of America !
> Nonsense. See the quote from Dave Shaw again: he can see
> it, you  can't. Why are you being blind? Shouldn't you ask
> yourself that?
> >I know that my country is a mess (look
> >at my first posting about "fuel" and look at my opinion
> >about the leadership)!
> Unless I'm much mistaken, your first post here was about a
> Briquette  press, your second was about Luc's processor,
> and your third about  abortions.
> Uh, you mean "What's all this off-topic political crap got
> to do with  biofuels?" LOL!
> Please see these previous messages (there are others), and
> refer to  the links posted there:
> Also see the List rules about "Rights and obligations" and
> "Open  discussion", and the "Note" at the end.
> Please DO do that.
> >When I gave you my interest
> >in this forum I thought that you stated that it would be
> >really good to stick to the biofuel interests in the
> forum >perimeters ?
> I said that? Nope. Tell me where I said that - give me the
> exact  quote and the reference, please. Don't ignore this:
> tell me where I  said that.
> >I can go to hundreds of websites that are
> >great to vent whatever ! But, I won't sit by anymore and
> let >people throw out platant all encompassing trash about
> >something (right to life) that didn't need to be here.
> John's remark was mild enough, but YOU have been frothing
> at the  mouth. This is an American issue (yes it is! - the
> rest of the world  does NOT see it in those terms) and
> your response might seem fitting  to you in American terms
> , but this is not primarily an American  forum, it's an
> international forum with a global membership, and in
> those terms your behaviour has been bizarre. Globally,
> your  government's actions in cutting and blocking funding
> for any project  anywhere with any hint of birth-control
> has had horrendous results.  Do you know anything about
> that? If not why not? Do you condone it?
> I did not express any opinion on the so-called pro-life vs
> pro-choice  debate, and I still haven't. Go on, check it
> and see. Or don't facts  mean anything to you?
> >If
> >this is unacceptable to you and the rest of the forum
> than I >apologize(I apologize if it is acceptable or not)
> for my >having the nerve to write my feelings. Thank you
> for your >time and consideration, Kim Wilde someone who
> uses my delete >button constantly.
> Then you don't know how to use mailing lists or Internet
> information. See:
> Now please answer the original question, as opposed to
> "answering" a  whole bunch of questions that weren't asked
> and weren't implied  either!
> Don't be fooled by the "please", by the way - this is a
> message from  the List owner, I'm not asking you, I'm
> telling you.
> Keith Addison
> Journey to Forever
> KYOTO Pref., Japan
> Biofuel list owner
> >>
> >>>Bob & Hakan, "Much literary criticism comes from people
> for >>>whom extreme specialization is a cover for either
> grave >>>cerebal inadequacy or terminal laziness, the
> latter being a >>>much cherished aspect of academic
> freedom. JKG Thanks for >>>your reply, Kim
> >>
> >>What's that supposed to mean, Kim? There is freedom of
> discussion  >>at this list, it's something that has been
> established, built and  >>maintained over five years, and
> many of us set great store by it.  >>Are you saying that
> it's just terminal laziness, a cherished aspect  >>of
> academic freedom??? Because that it sure as hell isn't,
> other  >>than "cherished" perhaps. There's nothing merely
> academic about it,  >>and it's the very opposite of
> laziness - it's rigorous, as it has  >>to be else it would
> quickly succumb to the lowest common  >>denominator, which
> has happened elsewhere, but not here. Kindly  >>explain
> yourself. >>
> >>Keith Addison
> >>Journey to Forever
> >>KYOTO Pref., Japan
> >>
> >>Biofuel list owner
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>----- Original Message Follows -----
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> > Bob,
> >>> >
> >>> > Since we many times enjoyed the freedom of
> discussion, I >>> > guess that we have to accept this kind
> of voodoo also. >>> >
> >>> > I had the same reaction to this, but it was too
> brutal. >>> > Thanks that you so elegantly expressed my
> opinion also and >>> > made it possible to only agree with
> what you are saying. >>> >
> >>> > Hakan
> >>> >
> >>> > At 02:42 PM 2/1/2005, you wrote:
> >>> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>> > ><snip>
> >>> > >
> >>> > >>
> >>> > >>
> >>> > >>I might think it, but I leave that
> >>> > >>to GOD THE CREATOR !
> >>> > >
> >>> > >you are presupposing that I give a tinker's dam
> about >>> > your belief in  >voodoo.  I don't and
> therefore your >>> > message is wasted on me. >toodles
> >>> > >
> >>> > >
> >>> > >
> >>> > >--
> >>> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------
> >>> > --------- >Bob Allen, >>> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------
> >>> > --------- >>> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------
> >>> > -------- >The modern conservative is engaged in one
> of >>> > Man's oldest exercises >in moral philosophy; that
> is, the >>> > search for a superior moral >justification
> for selfishness >>> >  JKG

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