More than a little opinionated aren't you? I challenge you on your allegation 
of "nuttiness". Prove your statement has any factual basis. For example your 
denigration of chelation is without factual knowledge. You write in the style 
of "the keepers of the one true faith". I'm willing to bet your experience is 
purely academic and you have no clinical experience. 
Let us look at facts--
EDTA chelation was observed to reverse arteriosclerosis in the 1950's. 
The product insert from Abbott Laboratories listed arteriosclerosis as an 
indication for its use.
>(1)     Then 3 things happened to drastically change the situation First, the 
>scientist who was the leading proponent of the treatment was killed in an auto 
>accident. Second, Abbott's patent was running out. Third, the FDA put into 
>effect new requirements for proof of efficacy for drugs.
   Abbott Laboratories had no choice but to drop arteriosclerosis as an 
indication in the product insert. No drug company is going to spend millions of 
dollars researching a generic drug it cannot profit from and control.
((1)page 118 "Heart Frauds" Charles T. McGee M.D.)
As for cholesterol  try the above mentioned "Heart Frauds" or "The Cholesterol 
Myths" by Uffe Ravinskov. There are lots more if you do some research outside 
the spoonfed environment you are in.
 Chickens fed rapeseed and calves given rapeseed oil do not prosper. Rapeseed 
oil naturally contains a high percentage (30-60%) of erucic acid, a substance 
associated with heart lesions in laboratory animals. For this reason rapeseed 
oil was not used for consumption in the United States prior to 1974, although 
it was used in other countries. (Americans chose to use it as a lubricant to 
maintain Allied naval and merchant ships during World War II.) 
In 1974, rapeseed varieties with a low erucic content were introduced. 
Scientists had found a way to replace almost all of rapeseed's erucic acid with 
oleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fatty acid. (This change was accomplished 
through the cross-breeding of plants, not by the techniques commonly referred 
to as "genetic engineering.") By 1978, all Canadian rapeseed produced for food 
use contained less than 2% erucic acid. The Canadian seed oil industry 
rechristened the product "canola oil" (Canadian oil) in 1978 in an attempt to 
distance the product from negative associations with the word "rape."

Why ingest any erucic acid? Economics as usual. As for me and my family we 
minimize the use of Canada Oil except as motor fuel.

Contrary to popular belief that soy is a health food, evidence reveals that soy 
consumption has been linked to numerous disorders, including infertility, 
increased cancer and infantile leukemia, and  precocious puberty in children 
have been fed soy formula. (early maturation, such as breast development and 
menstruation as early as 6 years of age)  
"...the soybean contains large quantities of natural toxins or "antinutrients". 
First among them are potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action of trypsin 
and other enzymes needed for protein digestion. These inhibitors are large, 
tightly folded proteins that are not completely deactivated during ordinary 
cooking. They can produce serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion 
and chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake. In test animals, diets high in 
trypsin inhibitors cause enlargement and pathological conditions of the 
pancreas, including cancer. Soybeans also contain haemagglutinin, a 
clot-promoting substance that causes red blood cells to clump together. Trypsin 
inhibitors and haemagglutinin are growth inhibitors."

So enemas aside what is wrong with the statin information on No 
opinions please Bob. I need something with substance not obfuscation and 
"argumentum ad hominum". Are you to be trusted?

bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Howdy Kirk,

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> I do not think canola or soy are fit for human
> consumption. Canola is a variant of rape seed, a
> member of the mustard family.

and just how does that disqualify it for human consumption?

Humans should use olive
> oil and it should not be used for cooking. For cooking
> natural saturated fats such as tallow (beef fat)should
> be used.
> I have been researching this for some time due to
> health reasons. BTW the whole cholesterol scam is
> demonstrably wrong and if you are taking statin drugs
> you need to go to and read about them.

Could you elaborate on the "whole cholesterol scam" ?

By the way, the site has some science in it but a whole lot of 
nuttiness. Any site that promotes homeopathy, EDTA chelation and colonic 
irrigation is not to be trusted.

> Kirk

Bob Allen,

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