Greetings Pannir.
I agree but I want to re emphasize that I think we
could grow better oils than canola and soy for human
consumption. For example sesame--
Sesame oil lowers BP

By Kylie Taggart

TAMIL NADU, INDIA – Researchers from the Annamalai
University in Chidambaram here found cooking with
sesame oil in place of other oils lowers blood
pressure and the amount of medication needed to
control hypertension.

Dr. Devarajan Sankar (PhD) and colleagues studied 328
patients taking 10 mg to 30 mg of the calcium channel
blocker nifedipine to control their hypertension. The
participants were asked to switch to sesame oil from
their regular cooking oil for two months. They
consumed on average 35 g of sesame oil per day.

Their average systolic and diastolic blood pressures
were reduced from 166/101 mm Hg to 134/84.6 mm Hg. The
nifedipine dosage was also lowered from an average
22.7 mg a day to 7.4 mg a day.

Sesame oil is high in polyunsaturated fatty acids and
vitamin E. The researchers had previously reported it
lowers blood pressure in hypertensives taking
diuretics and beta-blockers.

The current data were presented at the Inter-American
Society of Hypertension meeting recently.

Article found on

More information available on St.John'


--- "Pannir P.V" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>             Hello  Bab and  Kirk
>       Starting from this important thread  about
> canola oil , this is
> very good  to know  the importance of several oils 
> as this use is
> more important than the  use of BIOD.
>        I fully agree with the Kirk  information  and
> hence  food use
> of the  several other oil need not be forgotten .
>    As  vegetable oil is very costly in developing
> area  especially for
> the poor people , even though soy  and canola  canot
> be the good 
> choice  as an ideal one  for food , their use  upto
> certain level can
> complement  other locally preferred  use of the oil
> as now days  most
> of the  soya is feed for animal gowth and not for
> human  food.This is
> real danger of wrong of  globalised workld food 
> crysis  and security
>  Several tropical countries in Asia  do use  coconut
> oil  , especially
> South India , the state of Kerala, Andhra  and
> Chennai   where  this
> oil is much consumed  one can really see  the most
> beautiful women
> from Kerala   with long hair with less cancer  and
> heart disease  in
> acorde  with  information cited by KIRK  reference
>     But here again there is  a problem of the taste
> , culture and 
> food habits  as they are  local  issues ,
> Globalization of   food and
> energy production is  an  complex one , need careful
>  thinking of long
> time sustainability   as the importation can  make .
>    Thanks, for Bab and Kirk   rolling the  ball  of
> this food  vs fuel
>  subjects and  I wish  this ball kicked by every one
>  about coconut,
> thus the ball  can be rolling .Our  beloved  Keith 
> can make  this
> ball rolling between the south  and north as north 
> people are not yet
> aware  of the use of cocont milk , powder and oil .
> No one can admit to use  the oil may be soya and
> canola   to feed  the
>  Motor  via BioD , where we see  so may are needing 
> thes oil for the
> good heath.
> The  vegetable oil cake , used  oil , oils from
> wastes, oil from
> spoiled soya  and canola need to  be  first tried as
>  source for BioD
> .
>    Compared  to  soya  and corn oil , canola has
> shown to be the  best
> oil that lead to less  allergy.This has been  proved
> otherwise no one
> will go for its purchase eventhoug  I canot explain 
> much.Bob and Kirk
> can help  to find it more.
>   Olive oil is too  expensive   especially for the  
> developing  south
> world, beyond the reach  of  sevral million peoples
> .Brasil is
> importing dried coconut powder  and a huge  quantity
> of oil is lost in
> the manufacturing process.
> Coconut  is  growing very fast in  Northeast  Brasil
> , huge  seashore
> land suitable for its growth
> All are welcome  to make  this product  for food and
> BioD.
> Our biofuel list members  colaborations are welcome 
> to joint hand 
> with our state , centrala governemt  and 
> enterpreuners  effort to
> make  the coconut  good for fuel and food for local
> and export need.
> Thus information  need to  flow  from south and
> north  to make  our
> list much dynamic and ocative,  sustained  local 
> development possivel
>  through globalised  information on technolgy ,
> market  and  market 
> is made possible here.
>   KEITH  has  asked  me  here  how can we  make the
> ball rolling 
> between all the parts of the world.
>     The  ecologicay  sound message of  planting the
> tree . care for
> animal , hospital for animal all  have  been  spread
> half of the world
>  by true follwers  of Budha in the world with out TV
> , Radio and
> Internet.
>     Thus  rolling the ball, in this modern  world is
> possible    if we
> all have  attuide  to spend  an hour  a week , as
> this  I do find
> impossible  some time .However we canot leave the  
> ball only with 
> our  kind Keith alone  as the time he deicate  is
> come to an
> impossible limit.
>   Let  us all play rolling the ball south to north ,
> north to east and
> east  to west as our list has enough members   from
> all sides  of the
> world,  not only limited to the old players . New
> players  are 
> welcome too actively  to keep the ball rolling
> .Depend   Keith how  we
> involve the  the new bees here , so that they feel 
> free here to  see 
> the old  history  ,before they kick the ball.If not
> we we will be 
> playing all the time old game that all hadrolled
> well here in  our
> list severall times.
> Yours  truely
> Panniselvam
> On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 21:35:52 +0000,
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > thanx's this is all very good to know !
> > 
> > -------------- Original message --------------
> > 
> > >
> > >
> > > Although mainstream media portrays olive oil as
> the healthiest oil, this title
> > > does not extend to cooking. Olive oil is
> primarily a monounsaturated fat. This
> > > means that it has one double bond in its fatty
> acid structure. Although a
> > > monounsaturated fat is inherently more stable
> than a polyunsaturated fat, the
> > > overabundance of oleic acid in olive oil creates
> an imbalance on the cellular
> > > level, which has been associated to an increased
> risk of breast cancer and heart
> > > disease. Olive oil is a healthy fat to include
> in your diet in a non-heated
> > > form, however.
> > >
> > >
> > > For cooking, your highly saturated animal fats,
> such as butter and beef tallow,
> > > lard, and coconut oil are best because they are
> the most stable. Avoid excessive
> > > heat - gentle heat will often suffice. It is
> best never to heat your unsaturated
> > > vegetable oils - use them for salad dressings
> and similar purposes that don't
> > > require heating
> > >
> > > Some advocate coconut oil as excellent for
> cooking. A long article on that at
> > >
> > >
> > > EV olive oil comes apart at temps not much above
> boiling water so should be used
> > > as a salad oil.
> > >
> > > --Kirk
> > >
> > >
> > > georgebostic wrote:
> > > Why not cook with olive oil? George
> > >
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