
What we often forget in all the discussions, is that US no longer have a financial case against Iraq. No weapons found that could pose a threat against US, also means that US have no legal case for covering their war cost with oil from Iraq.

But they didn't have a legal case for the war (invasion, occupation, whatever) in the first place. Did they ever have a financial case against Iraq? I mean a real case? Surely not one that could stand up to any kind of examination.

But you're right, it's a good point.

They are probably right that Iraq might be better of without Saddam, we do not know yet, but that does not mean that they can get the costs refunded for removing him. US have no rights to the oil or any profits and they might instead have sole financial responsibilities for the destruction that followed their unilateral decision. The only way to share the finance for this kind of actions, is through UN.

... which they've spurned.

It will be a costly adventure for the American tax payer, or US have to resort to try dictatorial and illegal behavior in Iraq.

I gather that's the idea, digging in for the long haul, it doesn't look much like they're planning on paying rent.
Why the US will not leave Iraq

It is unlikely, because the time has past, when it was possible to maintain conquering occupations and make a profit from them. US have paid for the occupations by Israel, but even if it is small territory it cost a fortune. After all, maybe the world is slowly improving and the bullies can be made accountable for their deeds.

US is the only military super power left, but might have lost its position as leading financial super power over Iraq.

I think military superpowers are obsolete. I think any kind of superpower is obsolete except the "other" one:

"There may still be two superpowers on the planet: the United States and world public opinion." - The New York Times
The Other Superpower | Jonathan Schell

The trouble is I think they're quite likely to think the same way Mr Pritikin is thinking - except for Mr Cheney, who might not want Halliburton to have to face Mr Pritikin's questions.




At 11:42 AM 2/9/2005, you wrote:
Hello Mike and Mike

Hi Mike,

"It is no wonder the rest of the world has lost all respect for our country (speaking to the American list members)."

I agree: 2706473732.jpg

LOL! I think they don't like him a lot. A caricaturist with a future.

I only wish that the photo was taken in the States to demonstrate our own discontent as we begin to "really" pay for the war with the upcoming fiscal budget.


Yes... but what do you make of this (croos-post)? Are a lot of Americans thinking (?) this way, d'you reckon?

"These [Iraqi oil] profits rightfully belong to the American People. All the tax money that has been spend on this war should be paid back to the American taxpayers by the new Iraqi government through the sale of oil."


That's go down real well in Falluja and Sadr City, eh? Win over lots of hearts and minds I'm sure.



From: "Harry Pritikin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 07:53:27 -1000
Subject: [Bioenergy] IRAQI OIL

Aloha All,

What's happening to the Iraqi oil? How is pumping it? Who is selling it and reaping the profits and who are they selling it to?? I have a friend who has an acquaintance through his sailing club. This guy works for a tanker company based in India. He said that his company could only get contracts to ship oil out of Iraq if they agreed to take to China!

Ever since the U.S. ousted Sadam you never hear about oil. Before they ousted Sadam you always heard about the fears that the wells and pipelines would be sabotaged. Now you hear nothing. During the U.S. occupation, if there was no government entity, who is getting the money for the oil being pumped? How much is being pumped? Why hasn't there been any news with this information? Is it because president Bush is telling the people of the U.S. there is an oil shortage and we must drill in the arctic to reduce our consumption of "foreign oil" while all the while U.S. oil companies are pumping Iraqi oil and selling it to China and pocketing the profits??

These profits rightfully belong to the American People. All the tax money that has been spend on this war should be paid back to the American taxpayers by the new Iraqi government through the sale of oil. But as yet, no one that I know of even knows who is profiting from the sale of this oil and who it's being sold to.

Anyone out there have any facts??

Mahalo, Harry

Harry M. Pritikin (RA) Buyer's Agent
Kona-Kohala Real Estate UPdate
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
Cell:  808-989-3491

Anti-Fossil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just received this from my father, with no references, of course, to
verify any of the numbers contained within. However, I do know him to be an
honest, and trustworthy man. So, while I cannot vouge for the validity of
the specifics of this post, I can, without hesitation, say that if my father
wrote it, and sent it to me, I'll stand by it.
The following goes to the core of what is wrong with the "alleged"
leadership of this country. It is no wonder the rest of the world has lost
all respect for our country (speaking to the American list members). The
hypocrisy revealed here makes me angry. It is absolute insanity for elected
officials to be pampered for life like this when the rest of the country,
and indeed the world, are facing issues like hunger, unsafe drinking water,
war, etc., etc.???

That's enough from me,


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