Hello  Keith  and  our list members

  Can any one help the useful information  to design  the bookstores ,
Milk pasteurization  and cooling  , ice making  based on the  energy 
from cow manure and  effluent from  small milk processing industry
using  heat pump and solar energy too.
    Based upon the information  , the the design  details involving
the co generation of  heat.  cold and electricity  for small  dairy
firm  will be first published here in our list  as this will be latter
presented in the international congress.

    As  I urgently  need this help  for our group work   , any help 
and relevant information  in this regard will be  highly appreciated.
Thanking you

Yours truely
Pannirselvam P.V

 Pagandai V Pannirselvam
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Departamento de Engenharia Qu’mica - DEQ
Centro de Tecnologia - CT
Programa de P—s Gradua¨‹o em Engenharia Qu’mica - PPGEQ
Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPEC

Av. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus Universit‡rio
CEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Residence :
Av  Odilon gome de lima, 2951,
   Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102
   Capim  Macio
EP 59.078-400 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20
Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20

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