Hello dear all,
Can anyone tell me how to find out what is glycerin, soap or solid BD ?
Recently I made a few batches of BD from a very poor quality WVO.( about one
I already wrote; it was with water in it, which was of course my mistake ).
At the moment it is winter in Holland and the temp is around zero  C.
The "BD" turns to a mixture of solid and liquid and I don't know what is
what. When I filter it and put the liquid part in the tank, it is ok, but
the solid part is about half of the whole lot. I don't realy trust this part
enough to put in my tank in the summer, because it might be glyc or even
soap or a mixture of the both (even mixed with solid BD ).
Any help or advice would be very welcome.

 Something about the mistake I made : I made BD in a tank where there was
some water in. The BD did not get clear, but like coffee with milk. I washed
a one liter sample about 20 times now, and it is getting coffee with even
more milk. The water at the bottom is clear now, but I am getting a little
less BD after every time I washed it. Do you think I should turn the whole
lot into soap, or is there any other solution thinkable ( I can imagion
something with zeolite, but still I have not found any place where I can buy
this stuff ( as far as I know I would need 3  )).
By the way,  is an old fashioned something (what is the word ?).
These days it is written as 1.10  meter, where "a" is -10 in this case.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Pieter Koole

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